
RCrypto is a custom encryption library for Ruby that offers a variety of encryption methods, including XOR encryption, Caesar cipher, and substitution cipher. It is designed for developers looking to implement secure communication features in their Ruby applications.

Marketing Message

Do you want your script to look like this, hidden from prying eyes?


Instead of this?

puts "Ruby Is The Best yoo Note: RCrypto Is Easy"

Use RCrypto to protect your hard-earned code from being stolen. Secure the source code you spent sleepless nights writing.


  • XOR Encryption: A simple yet effective encryption method.
  • Caesar Cipher: A classic encryption technique with customizable shifts.
  • Substitution Cipher: Encrypt text by substituting characters with a shuffled alphabet.
  • Custom Key Generation: Automatically generate secure keys for encryption.
  • Encryption Detection: Identify whether a given text appears to be encrypted.


To use RCrypto, follow the steps below to clone the repository and integrate it into your Ruby project.

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the RCrypto repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/Abo5/rcrypto.git


gem install rcrypto


source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'rcrypto' 
bundle install rcrypto

2. Require the Library in Your Ruby Script

After cloning the repository, require the library in your Ruby script:

require 'rcrypto'

Basic Usage

Encrypting and Decrypting a Script

Suppose you have a Ruby script (test.rb) that you want to encrypt and later decrypt.

require 'rcrypto'

# Read the original script
original_script = File.read('test.rb')

# Encrypt the script
encrypted_script = RCrypto::CustomEncryptor.encrypt(original_script)
puts "Encrypted script:"
puts encrypted_script

# Decrypt the script
decrypted_script = RCrypto::CustomEncryptor.decrypt(encrypted_script)
puts "\nDecrypted script:"
puts decrypted_script

# Execute the decrypted script

Encrypting with an Auto-generated Key

# Read the original script
original_script = File.read('main.rb')

# Encrypt the script using an auto-generated key
encrypted_script = RCrypto::CustomEncryptor.encrypt(original_script)
puts "Encrypted script:"
puts encrypted_script

# Decrypt the script
decrypted_script = RCrypto::CustomEncryptor.decrypt(encrypted_script)
puts "\nDecrypted script:"
puts decrypted_script

Advanced Usage

Using the SimpleEncryptor for Custom Encryption

The SimpleEncryptor class allows for more flexibility with custom keys and ciphers.

require 'rcrypto'

text = "Hello World!"
key = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.generate_simple_key(20)

# XOR Encryption
encrypted_text = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.xor_encrypt(text, key)
puts "XOR Encrypted text:"
puts encrypted_text

decrypted_text = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.xor_decrypt(encrypted_text, key)
puts "Decrypted text:"
puts decrypted_text

# Caesar Cipher Encryption
shift = 5
caesar_encrypted = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.caesar_encrypt(text, shift)
puts "Caesar Encrypted text:"
puts caesar_encrypted

caesar_decrypted = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.caesar_decrypt(caesar_encrypted, shift)
puts "Decrypted text:"
puts caesar_decrypted

Detecting Encrypted Text

RCrypto can help determine if a given text appears to be encrypted.

long_text = "This is a longer text that should be more complex to encrypt and easier to detect as encrypted."
encrypted_text = RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.xor_encrypt(long_text, key)

if RCrypto::SimpleEncryptor.seems_encrypted?(encrypted_text)
  puts "The text seems to be encrypted."
  puts "The text does not appear to be encrypted."


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to RCrypto, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeatureName).
  5. Open a Pull Request on GitHub.

Please ensure your code follows the existing coding conventions and passes all tests.

Running Tests

RCrypto uses RSpec for testing. To run the tests, ensure you have the required dependencies installed and run:

bundle install
bundle exec rspec

This will run the test suite and ensure everything is working as expected.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Issues and Feedback

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Your feedback is highly appreciated!



  • Special thanks to the open-source community for their continuous support.
  • Inspired by classic encryption techniques and the need for secure communication in Ruby applications.



