RDS Backup Service REST API
The REST API exposes only one API call:
POST /api/v1/backups
POST to here with parameter rds_instance
set to an RDS instance name.
A Backup represents a long-running backup process for an RDS.
RESOURCE LOCATION: /api/v1/backups
- rds_instance: the name of the RDS instance to dump to S3 - REQUIRED
- email: an optional email address to send a message to on completion
- rds_instance: the name of the RDS instance being dumped to S3
- account_name: the name of account from accounts.yml, if determined
- backup_status: an HTTP-like status code for the process
- status_url: a signed S3 URL to this job's JSON status as updated
- status_message: a descriptive progress message
- files: an Array of output files for this job, including S3 URLs