Gem Version

Readlines Library

Readlines is a powerful and versatile Ruby library for file manipulation and processing. It provides a wide range of functionality to read, analyze, and modify the contents of text files efficiently.


  • File Reading: Read the entire file content or specific parts.
  • Search Operations: Search for values and display matching line numbers.
  • Line Counting: Count lines based on keywords or delimiters.
  • Pattern Replacement: Replace specific patterns or multiple patterns at once.
  • Delete Empty Lines: Remove empty lines.
  • Alphabetical Sorting: Sort lines alphabetically.
  • File Splitting: Split files into parts or by size.
  • File Merging: Merge multiple files with a separator.
  • Encoding Conversion: Convert file encoding.
  • Character Replacement: Replace special characters or unwanted characters.
  • Format Conversion: Convert the file to txt, csv, or json.
  • Multiple Pattern Search: Search and count multiple patterns.
  • Delimiter-Based Splitting: Split files by delimiter or pattern.
  • Pattern Checking: Check if patterns exist.
  • Delete Specific Lines: Delete lines, specific columns in CSV, and duplicates.
  • Reverse Content: Reverse the file’s content.
  • Range-Based Search: Search within a specific line range.
  • Character and Word Counting: Count characters or words.
  • Pattern Extraction: Extract specific patterns.
  • Content Validation: Validate against custom rules.
  • Logical Pattern Search: AND/OR based pattern search.
  • Spelling Check: Detect spelling errors with a dictionary.
  • Encryption/Decryption: Encrypt and decrypt content.
  • File Size Calculation: Display size in bytes, KB, MB, or GB.
  • Filter Operation: Delete or replace lines based on matching criteria (:start, :body, or :end).


To use the Readlines library in your Ruby project, install it via RubyGems:

gem install readlines

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'readlines'

Run bundle install to install the library and its dependencies.


Start by requiring readlines in your Ruby script:

require 'readlines'

Create an instance of the Read class with the filename (or full path):

file_name = 'file.txt'
read =


Basic Operations

# Read the entire file content
content = read.read_lines
puts content

Counting Operations

# Count lines containing a specific keyword
count = read.line_count(count: 'example')
puts count

# Count characters in the file or a specific line
total_characters = read.character_count
puts total_characters
line_characters = read.character_count(line_specific: 3)
puts line_characters

# Count words in the file or a specific line
total_words = read.word_count
puts total_words
line_words = read.word_count(line_specific: 3)
puts line_words

Search Operations

# Search for a specific value and show line numbers
result = read.search_about('example', show_lines: true)
puts result

# Search for multiple patterns and count occurrences
patterns = [/example/, /test/]
result = read.search_multiple_patterns(patterns)
puts result

# Check if a pattern exists
pattern_exists = read.pattern_exists?(/example/)
puts pattern_exists

# Search for a pattern within a range of lines
matched_lines = read.search_in_range(5, 10, /example/)
puts matched_lines

# Logical pattern search (AND/OR operators)
and_results = read.search_logical_patterns([/example/, /test/], 'AND')
puts and_results
or_results = read.search_logical_patterns([/example/, /test/], 'OR')
puts or_results

Replacement Operations

# Replace specific patterns in the file
updated_content = read.replace(/example/, 'new_example')
puts updated_content

# Replace multiple patterns at once
pattern_replacement = {/example/ => 'new_example', /test/ => 'new_test'}
updated_content = read.replace_multiple_patterns(pattern_replacement)
puts updated_content

# Replace characters in a CSV column
updated_csv = read.replace_csv_value(2, 'old_value', 'new_value')
puts updated_csv

# Replace special characters with a specified replacement string
updated_content = read.replace_special_characters('_')
puts updated_content

Deletion Operations

# Delete empty lines from the file
updated_content = read.delete_empty_lines
puts updated_content

# Delete specific lines with the option to remove empty lines
updated_content = read.delete_lines([2, 4, 6], delete_space: true)
puts updated_content

# Delete unwanted characters
updated_content = read.delete_unwanted_characters('!@#$%^')
puts updated_content

# Delete duplicate lines
unique_content = read.delete_duplicate_lines
puts unique_content

# Delete specific columns in a CSV file
updated_csv = read.delete_csv_columns([1, 3])
puts updated_csv

# Filter lines based on criteria
# Replace lines starting with "hello" with "hi"
read.filter("hello", :start, :replace, "hi")
read.filter("world", :body, :replace, "guys")
read.filter("123", :end, :replace, "456")

# Delete lines containing "unwanted_text" from start or end or anywhere using `:start` or `:end` or `:body`
read.filter("unwanted_text", :start, :delete)
read.filter("unwanted_text", :body, :delete)
read.filter("unwanted_text", :end, :delete)

File Splitting and Merging

# Split the file into 3 parts

# Split by size (in bytes)
read.split_file_by_size(1024) # 1 KB

# Split by delimiter

# Split by a pattern
read.split_by_pattern(/Chapter \d+/)

# Merge multiple files
merged_file = read.merge_files(['/path/to/file1.txt', '/path/to/file2.txt'])
puts merged_file

# Merge files with a separator
merged_file_with_separator = read.merge_files(['/file1.txt', '/file2.txt'], separator: '---')
puts merged_file_with_separator

Encoding and Format Conversion

# Convert encoding
read.convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1')

# Convert file format to CSV
converted_csv = read.convert_to_format('csv')
puts converted_csv

Extracting and Validating Content

# Extract specific patterns (e.g., email addresses)
patterns = [/email:\s*\S+/, /phone:\s*\S+/]
extracted_data = read.extract_patterns(patterns)
puts extracted_data

# Validate content with a set of rules
rules = [/^[A-Z]/, /\b\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}\b/]
is_valid = read.validate_content(rules)
puts is_valid

# Check for spelling errors using a dictionary
dictionary = ['example', 'pattern', 'file']
misspelled_words = read.check_spelling(dictionary)
puts misspelled_words

File Size and Statistics

# Get file size in different units
file_size_bytes = read.file_size
puts file_size_bytes
file_size_kb = read.file_size(unit: :kilobytes)
puts file_size_kb
file_size_mb = read.file_size(unit: :megabytes)
puts file_size_mb
file_size_gb = read.file_size(unit: :gigabytes)
puts file_size_gb

# Get statistics about the file
file_stats = read.file_statistics
puts file_stats

Encryption and Decryption

# Encrypt content using a key
encrypted_content = read.encrypt_content(5)
puts encrypted_content

# Decrypt the content using the same key
decrypted_content = read.decrypt_content(5, '/path/to/encrypted_file.txt')
puts decrypted_content

Reverse and Additional Operations

# Reverse the order of file contents
reversed_content = read.reverse_content
puts reversed_content

Error Handling

The Readlines library provides custom error classes for handling specific exceptions:

  • Readlines::Error: General error class for all exceptions.
  • Readlines::NotFoundError: Raised when the file is not found.
  • Readlines::MissingFilePathError: Raised when a file path is missing or empty.
  • Readlines::InvalidUnitError: Raised for invalid file size units.

These error classes help in handling and debugging exceptions that may occur while using the library.


Contributions are welcome! If you find bugs, have suggestions, or want to add features, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

When contributing, please ensure that your code follows the existing coding style and includes appropriate tests.


The Readlines library is open-source and released under the MIT License.