Ruby Wrapper for the Readmill API

Quick Start

Install via RubyGems

gem install readmill

Or, add it to your Gemfile

gem 'readmill'

Making Requests against the API

Readmill.configure do |c|
  c.client_id = 'your_client_id_here'

client = # Shortcut with
client.readings # Returns the 20 most readings

API Parameters

Most endpoints in the Readmill API take similar parameters (count, offset, etc). These are passed into the client requests as an options hash. For example:

client.readings(count: 50, offset: 100) # Get 50 readings offset by 100

What is Readmill?

Readmill is a beautiful ebook reader for iOS and Android that lets you read and share great books.

You can view their API docs here.


  • Wrap the Search endpoints
  • Wrap authenticated (OAuth) endpoints

Copyright (c) 2013 Andrew Thorp. See LICENSE for details.