
Readonce is a command line utility for sharing passwords and other private information with exactly one person.

This CLI takes any data from STDIN, pushes it to the readonce-server web service, and returns a unique URL where the data can be queried exactly once.

As soon as the first request for a given key is received by the web service, its associated data are deleted.


gem install readonce -- that's it!


To share a line of text, such as a password, use:

echo "foobar123" | readonce

To share a file, such as a private key, use:

readonce < mykey.pem

You can check whether your readonce data has been accessed with:

readonce -s <key>

Or, you can have readonce block until it has been accessed, so you can see exactly when the recipient has viewed it:

readonce -w < mykey.pem or readonce -w <key>


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.