
The Rails engine will help you to provides the setting data to your app. See the demo engine in here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'realiser'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install realiser

After that, run this command to generate the migration files:

$ bundle exec rails g realiser install
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Then, you can enable the Web UI, with mount the engine in your config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount Realiser::Engine => '/realiser'

Then, add this line to your app/assets/config/manifest.js to help compile the stylesheets.

//= link realiser/application.css

Done, you can manage the settings data by visiting the path /realiser.

The UI will be something like this:



You can access your setting by calling them like this:

Realiser::Setting['PAYMENT_TOKEN'] #> 'sgFadLoRx5rX1VL02OalMQ' 

Honesly, the Realiser::Setting object is inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, so you can also show the value with something like this:

Realiser::Setting.find_by(key: 'PAYMENT_TOKEN').value #> 'sgFadLoRx5rX1VL02OalMQ' 

By inheriting the object with the active record object, I hope you can more flexible when want to use the setting object.

If you thing Realiser::Setting is too long, you can also make them short with creating new class like this:

# app/models/setting.rb
class Setting < Realiser::Setting

So can use like this:

Setting['PAYMENT_TOKEN'] #> 'sgFadLoRx5rX1VL02OalMQ' 


PR are welcome!

You can use the issue tab for asking me a question about this engine, or report a bug, or even to request a feature.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.