
OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes as RecursiveOpenStructs.

It allows for hashes within hashes to be called in a chain of methods:

ros = { fooa: { foob: 'fooc' } } )

ros.fooa.foob # => 'fooc'

Also, if needed, nested hashes can still be accessed as hashes:

ros.fooa_as_a_hash # { foob: 'fooc' }

RecursiveOpenStruct can also optionally recurse across arrays, although you have to explicitly enable it:

h = { :somearr => [ { name: 'a'}, { name: 'b' } ] }
ros =, recurse_over_arrays: true )

ros.somearr[0].name # => 'a'
ros.somearr[1].name # => 'b'

Also, by default it will turn all hash keys into symbols internally:

h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =
ros.to_h # => { fear: 'is', the: 'mindkiller' }

You can preserve the original keys by enabling :preserve_original_keys:

h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =, preserve_original_keys: true)
ros.to_h # => { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' }


Available as a gem in rubygems, the default gem repository.

If you use bundler, just throw that in your gemfile :

gem 'recursive-open-struct'

You may also install the gem manually :

gem install recursive-open-struct


  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for your new or changed functionality. Make sure the tests you add provide clean and clear explanation of the feature.
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The Recursive-open-struct developers (given in the file AUTHORS.txt). See LICENSE.txt for details.