Reddit API

A lightweight wrapper that is unobtrusive and intuitive to use.


  • Full OAuth support and token management
  • Multiple Users running in one script
  • Request throttling
  • Full API wrapper for all endpoints / objects
  • Automatic http retry


install it as:

$ gem install reddit-api


Follow the Reddit API Guidelines:

First get a application token / secret for sign in from:

Creating A User

We need a user:

user = "username", "password", "script_id", "script_secret", "User Agent Title"

Retrieving Data

Getting back data is simple. Use The Reddit::Services::* Module and functions to retrieve data.

 = Reddit::Services::Account.get_me user

Getting back a subreddit takes a bit more info.

subreddit_posts = Reddit::Services::Listings.get_hot user, basepath_subreddit: "subreddit_name_without_r_slash", limit:50

note: anytime there is a basepath_ variable the value is substituted into the URL with whatever is after the _ .In this case "basepath_subreddit" defines the "subreddit" part of the path.

note: to list the available fields prepend print_ to any method call as shown for get_hot below.

[1] pry(main)> subreddit_posts = Reddit::Services::Listings.print_get_hot                  
=> ["basepath_subreddit", "after", "before", "count", "limit", "show", "sr_detail"]

Getting back a comments requires multiple basepath substitutions.

subreddit_comments = Reddit::Services::Listings.get_comments_article user, basepath_article:"article_id_from_permalink", basepath_subreddit: "subreddit_without_r_slash", limit:50

note: the two "basepath_" variables because the url requires not only a subreddit but a post ID in the basepath.

Debug Logging can be enabled or disabled at any time with:

Retrieve Batches From Listing

The Listings group of endpoints have a helper method batch_ that can be used in place of get_. Bath will make multiple calls to the endpoint and return the complete set.

A batch method must pass page_size: # and max_size: #

  • page_size is the number of entries to request per call
  • max_size is the maximum number of entries expected, batch may return before max_size is met because all entries have been retrieved.
  • remove_sticky (default true, optional) removes entries that are stickied.
subreddit_all_posts = Reddit::Services::Listings.batch_new user, basepath_subreddit: "subreddit_name_without_r_slash", page_size:100, max_size:2000

note: There is API limitations that limits Listing endpoints to only cache the last 1000 entries and only allows a maximum of 100 entries per page.


Reddit::Internal::Logger.log.level = Log4r::DEBUG

Valid Log Levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL


A simple full example to retrieve a subreddit and gather the domains

require "reddit/api"
# Sign In User, since we are just making a maximum of 10 calls throttling has been disabled.
user = "username", "password", "script_id", "secret", "user-agent-title", request_throttle: false
# Retrieve Data
til_recent = Reddit::Services::Listings.batch_new user, basepath_subreddit: "todayilearned", page_size:100, max_size:500

# Process Results (Create a hash of domain -> # of posts)
posted_urls = {}
til_recent.each do |post|
  domain = post["data"]["url"].split("/")[2]
  posted_urls[domain] = 0 unless posted_urls.include?(domain)

  posted_urls[domain] += 1
# Delete One offs
posted_urls.reject! {|k,v| v < 2 }
# Display results
puts JSON.pretty_generate(posted_urls)

One Offs

The endpoint for moderator messages is not defined in the API docs but can be found under:

Reddit::Services::PrivateMessages.get_message_moderator user, basepath_subreddit: "worldnews"


To run rspec a file for configuring a user is required:


  "user": "",
  "password": "",
  "service_id": "",
  "secret": ""

note: rspec will fail if the reddit service are unavaliable.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at