Redis To Collection (Ruby)

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Redis to a collection. There and back again.

Redis To Collection dumps Redis to and loads Redis from a collection. Only a tiny subset of the Redis data structure is supported, and that is how it is intended to remain. This is not supposed to be used as any form of backup (please, please don't do this); rather, it is a very small tool to assist with using fixtures in testing. To that end, the collection format is intentionally verbose, and should be quite readable with a little practice.

More sleep lost by tiredpixel.


Install using:

gem 'redis-to-collection'

The default Ruby version supported is defined in .ruby-version. Any other versions supported are defined in .travis.yml.


Create a Redis connection and require Redis To Collection:

require 'redis'

redis =

require 'redis-to-collection'

Dump all Redis keys to a collection:

collection = RedisToCollection.dump(redis)

Or dump a subset of Redis keys to a collection:

collection = RedisToCollection.dump(redis, '*PATTERN*')

Load a collection to Redis:

RedisToCollection.load(redis, collection)

That's it!


Load the following example collection to Redis:

collection = {:format=>"redis-to-collection", :version=>1, :data=>[{:k=>"And crawled head downward", :t=>:s, :v=>"down a blackened wall"}, {:k=>"The river bears no", :t=>:h, :v=>{"empty"=>"bottles", "sandwich"=>"papers", "silk"=>"handkerchiefs", "cardboard"=>"boxes", "cigarette"=>"ends"}}, {:k=>"London Bridge is", :t=>:l, :v=>["falling down", "falling down", "falling down"]}, {:k=>"165", :t=>:e, :v=>["HURRY", "UP", "PLEASE", "ITS", "TIME"]}, {:k=>"And if it rains", :t=>:z, :v=>[["The hot water", 10.0], ["a closed car", 4.0]]}]}

RedisToCollection.load(redis, collection)


Dump all Redis keys to create a JSON fixture:

require 'json'

puts JSON.pretty_generate(RedisToCollection.dump(redis))

  "format": "redis-to-collection",
  "version": 1,
  "data": [
      "k": "165",
      "t": "e",
      "v": [
      "k": "And crawled head downward",
      "t": "s",
      "v": "down a blackened wall"
      "k": "The river bears no",
      "t": "h",
      "v": {
        "empty": "bottles",
        "sandwich": "papers",
        "silk": "handkerchiefs",
        "cardboard": "boxes",
        "cigarette": "ends"
      "k": "London Bridge is",
      "t": "l",
      "v": [
        "falling down",
        "falling down",
        "falling down"
      "k": "And if it rains",
      "t": "z",
      "v": [
          "a closed car",
          "The hot water",


Dump all Redis keys to create a YAML fixture:

require 'yaml'

puts RedisToCollection.dump(redis).to_yaml

:format: redis-to-collection
:version: 1
- :k: '165'
  :t: :e
  - ITS
  - UP
  - TIME
- :k: And crawled head downward
  :t: :s
  :v: down a blackened wall
- :k: The river bears no
  :t: :h
    empty: bottles
    sandwich: papers
    silk: handkerchiefs
    cardboard: boxes
    cigarette: ends
- :k: London Bridge is
  :t: :l
  - falling down
  - falling down
  - falling down
- :k: And if it rains
  :t: :z
  - - a closed car
    - 4.0
  - - The hot water
    - 10.0

Stay Tuned

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Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :)


May you find peace, and help others to do likewise.


© tiredpixel 2014. It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.