

Setting up

Under the hood RedisStream is using redis gem, which means that you can use it out of the box if you are using redis. It will be using same REDIS_URL environment variable to establish connection with Redis.

# Gemfile

gem "redis_stream", "~> 0.3.0"

Adding messages to the stream

require 'redis_stream'

daily_temperature = "daily_temperature")

daily_temperature << 20.0
daily_temperature << 21.0
daily_temperature << 22.0

puts daily_temperature.size
#=> 3

Consuming messages from the stream

Stream implements most of operations that can be performed on ruby Array.

daily_temperature.each do |temperature|
  puts message
# => 20.0
# => 21.0
# => 22.0

puts daily_temperature.last
# => 22.0

puts daily_temperature.first
# => 20.0

average = daily_temperature.sum / daily_temperature.length
min = daily_temperature.min
max = daily_temperature.max
puts "Average: #{average} Min: #{min} Max: #{max}"