
redshift_extractor moves data from one Amazon Redshift cluster to another. Here is how it works:

  • Source database
  1. UNLOAD - runs a SELECT query and exports the results to CSV files in S3.
  • Destination database
  1. Drop - Drops a database table (the table in the destination database where the data will be stored).

  2. Create - Creates a database table.

  3. COPY - Loads data from S3 into a Redshift database.

One database connection is established with the source database to UNLOAD the data to S3. After the data is UNLOADed, a second database connection is establed with the destination database to drop/create the database table that will store the data. The final step is to COPY the data from the S3 files to the destination table.

Running the Code

The RedshiftExtractor::Extractor class is instantiated with a long hash of arguments (sorry Sandi Metz!).

args = {
  database_config_source: "database_config_source",
  database_config_destination: "database_config_destination",
  unload_s3_destination: "unload_s3_destination",
  unload_select_sql: "unload_select_sql",
  destination_schema: "destination_schema",
  destination_table: "destination_table",
  create_sql: "create_sql",
  copy_data_source: "copy_data_source",
  aws_access_key_id: "aws_access_key_id",
  aws_secret_access_key: "aws_secret_access_key"

extractor =

Here is a description of the parameters:

  • database_config_source: A hash that's acceptable for the Ruby Postgres gem. Here's an example:
  dbname: "db_name",
  user: "username",
  password: "password",
  host: "host",
  sslmode: 'require',
  port: 5439
  • unload_s3_destination: A S3 path, something like "s3://bucket_name/something_else/"

  • unload_select_sql: A SQL SELECT query that will be run on the source table

  • destination_schema, destination_table: The table that will be dropped, recreated, and populated with data from the COPY command

  • create_sql: The SQL that creates the destination_schema.destination_table table (this SQL is run to recreate the table in the step above)

  • copy_data_source: This is typically "#{unload_s3_destination}manifest". The UNLOAD command automatically creates a manifest file that can be used by the COPY command to load the data.

  • aws_keys: The keys you get from AWS.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'redshift_extractor'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.