Large Class


A Large Class is a class or module that has a large number of instance variables, methods or lines of code in any one piece of its specification. (That is, this smell relates to pieces of the class's specification, not to the size of the corresponding instance of Class.)

Current Support in Reek

Large Class reports classes having more than a configurable number of methods or instance variables. The method count includes public, protected and private methods, and excludes methods inherited from superclasses or included modules.


reek's Large Class detector supports the Basic Smell Options, plus:

Option Value Effect
max_methods integer The maximum number of methods allowed in a class before a warning is issued. Defaults to 25.
max_instance_variables integer The maximum number of instance variables allowed in a class before a warning is issued. Defaults to 9.

The Large Class detector is enabled whenever reek is asked to check an instance of Class or Module.