
In some cases, it might be necessary to suppress one or more of reek's smell warnings for a particular method or class.

Possible reasons for this could be:

  • The code is outside of your control and you can't fix it
  • reek is not the police. You might have legit reasons why your source code is good as it is.

How to disable smell detection

First and foremost, there are the Basic Smell Options you can use.

Besides from that, you can use special comments, like so:

# This method smells of :reek:NestedIterators
def smelly_method foo
  foo.each {|bar| bar.each {|baz| baz.qux}}

The method smelly_method will not be reported. The general pattern is to put the string ':reek:', followed by the smell class, in a comment before the method or class.

It is also possible to specify options for a particular smell detector, like so:

# :reek:LongParameterList: { max_params: 4 }
def many_parameters_it_has foo, bar, baz, qux
  # ...