factory_girl extensions

FactoryGirlExtensions is a simple set of extensions that I typically like to use on projects, when using factory_girl

NOTE: I might try adding this as an official factory_girl ‘syntax’, in which case

these extensions will be available to anyone using factory_girl


$ sudo gem install remi-factory_girl_extensions -s http://gems.github.com


To use these extensions, require 'factory_girl_extensions' in your factories.rb (or wherever)

FactoryGirlExtensions adds some shortcut methods. Here are some examples:

 User.generate!             # this is equivalent to Factory(:user) or Factory.create(:user)
 User.gen!                  # this is a shortcut alias for #generate
 User.generate              # this is equivalent to Factory.build(:user) and then #save
 User.gen                   # this is equivalent to Factory.build(:user) and then #save
 User.build                 # this is equivalent to Factory.build(:user)
 User.gen! :name => 'Bob'   # this is equivalent to Factory(:user, :name => 'Bob')
 :email.next                # this is equivalent to Factory.next(:email)
 'email'.next               # this will NOT work because String#next already exists
 :admin_user.gen!           # this is equivalent to Factory.gen(:admin_user)
 'admin_user'.gen!          # this is equivalent to Factory.gen(:admin_user)

I think I would like to add User.gen_admin or maybe User.gen(:admin)
as a shortcut for generating an :admin_user factory

Why User.gen instead of Factory(:user)

Personally, I really dislike the Factory(:user) syntax. When you have a lot of factories, it’s hard to see the names of the actual model classes. I don’t like this:

Factory(:user).should be_valid
Factory(:name, :string => 'something').should be_awesome
Factory(:comment, :user => Factory(:user)).should be_cool
Factory(:user).should do_some_stuff_with(:things)

To me, the thing that draws my attention in that code snippet is Factory. I don’t care about Factory, I care about the actual models! I prefer:

User.gen.should be_valid
Name.gen( :string => 'something' ).should be_awesome
Comment.gen( :user => User.gen ).should be_cool
User.gen.should do_some_stuff_with(:things)

If you syntax highlight the above code, it’s likely that the model names will be the things that really jump out at you. Even in plain text, it’s easier to understand that code than the above Factory(:code) in my opinion.