
build rubocop gem maintainability hits of code ruby style license


renamr organizes file and directory names.


The tool is designed to work on macOS, GNU/Linux, Windows, Unix-like OS. It is packaged as a Gem and require Ruby version 2.6 or later. See “Installing Ruby” if you don't have the proper version on your platform.

Use this command to install:

gem install renamr


Use this command to update the package:

gem update renamr


There are no requirements.


renamr [options]
  -a, --act          Real renaming.
  -r, --rec          Passes recursively.
  -l, --lim          Limits name length.
  -m, --mod          Prepends modification time.
  -d, --dir dir      Directory to rename.
  -s, --src src      A string to substitute.
  -t, --dst dst      A string to replace to.
  -w, --wid wid      Width of the table.
  -p, --pre str,beg  A string to prepend to started from beg.
  -c, --cut pos,len  Removes len symbols from pos.
  -v, --version      Shows version.


renamr -d <source>

It renames all files in source by default pattern: 26 English letters, 10 numbers, minus for spaces and other symbols.


renamr is copyright David Rabkin and available under a Zero-Clause BSD license.