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With this gem you can automatically check your code quality (e.g. before every commit). You can configure it to run rubocop, reek, rspec and even custom scripts. For faster runtime it makes use of caching and parallel execution.

How To Use renuo-bin-check

Add renuo-bin-check to your Gemfile:

gem 'renuo-bin-check'

Create a file at any place you want. Usually it would be called `bin/check though. You can now configure your scripts like that:

require 'renuo-bin-check'

bin_check =

# add a script, do this for as many scripts as you would like to run
bin_check.check do |config|
  config.command "<a one line command or a path to a script>" "<name-of-script>"
  config.files ['<path-to-file-1>', '<path-to-file-2>']
  config.reversed_exit <true or false>

#run all scripts configured above


git clone
cd renuo-bin-check

Run Tests

The following script will run rspec, rubocop, reek, scanner for debugging outputs and a scanner for TODOs


Options for Configuration


This option is required. It is either a one-liner such as ls -al or a path to a script, that will be runned. If command is not configured, the program will raise a RuntimeError.


This option is optional. It makes it possible to configure the name of the script. It will be used as folder name in the cache.

If it is not set, the hashed command will be used as folder name in the cache.

Attention: If you set the same name twice, it won't raise an error, but it can cause unexpected behaviour, hence it is not recommanded to do so.


This option is optional. If configured the script output will be cached. You need to list all files in array form, which influence the outcome of the configured script.

Even though this option is optional, it is recommended to set it, as it can make a run much faster.


This option is optional. You can use it to override the standard output of a script or to append a further output.

If you want to override it just write the message, that you want to be shown. If you want to append a message, start your message with a +.


This option is optional. You can use it to override the error output of a script or to append a further output.

If you want to override it just write the message, that you want to be shown. If you want to append a message, start your message with a +.


This option is optional. You can set it truthy or falsey. if not set it's automatically set falsey.

If set to truthy, the output of the configured script will be reversed. Which means:

  • Error-Outputs will be Outputs
  • Outputs will be Error-Output
  • Exit Code of 0 will be 1
  • Exit Code of not-0 will be 0

An example where this option is used, is the command that searches for TODOs. The script should fail though if something is found and not if nothing is found.


The following example configures a script that looks for TODOs in a project. The configuration options can be called in any order.

bin_check.check do |config|
  config.command "grep --exclude-dir='app/assets/typings/**' -i -r 'TODO'"\
                  "app spec config db Rakefile Gemfile" "todo-grepper"
  config.files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*', 'config/**/*', 'db/**/*', 'Rakefile', '', 'Gemfile']
  config.success_message "No TODO was found :)"
  config.error_message "+TODO found! Please get rid of them"
  config.reversed_exit true


If you would like to contribute, you're very welcome to.

Please follow these instructions:


Copyright (c) 2016 Renuo GmbH

MIT License