
Send email with predefined template when resque worker die of any reason.

Folk from https://github.com/anandagrawal84/resque_failed_job_mailer and customizable.

Making it general and seperate from anandagrawal84/resque_failed_job_mailer due to inactive repo.


gem install resque-failed-job-mailer-2

Or add to Gemfile:

gem 'resque-failed-job-mailer-2'


All you need to do is configure ActionMailer for smtp details. Add following configuration file resque_failed_job_mailer.rb in config/initializer folder

Resque::Failure::Notifier.configure do |config|
  config.from = '[email protected]' # from address
  config.to = '[email protected]' # to address
  config.include_payload = true # disabled by default for security
  config.include_exception = true # disabled by default for security
  config.tags = ["ProjectX","Wolverine","Resque"] # [ProjectX][Wolverine][Resque] tag displayed in email summary

as soon as resque job fail it would send out an email to the configured email address.


If you want to use your own email mechanism then add following configuration

Resque::Failure::Notifier.configure do |config|
  config.mailer = ActionMailerClass
  config.mail = ActionMailerMailMethod
  config.from = '[email protected]' # from address
  config.to = '[email protected]' # to address

config.mailer is any class that extends ActionMailer::Base

config.mail is mail in class given above in config.mailer