
This is a simple command-line client for showing info about queues and workers from resque or sidekiq.

resque_cmdline does not use resque or sidekiq gems, but extracts info directly from redis. This should be an order of magnitude faster when querying a redis server over a slow (vpn over internet) connection.


rq [options] command [-e shell_command]

where command is one of: queues workers failed running pending stats. Commands may be be shortened to their shortest unique beginning.

See option list using -h.


Show ps listing for all running jobs older than 1 hour:

rq running -o 1h -e ssh {host} ps -lfp {pid}


Configure your environments and redis servers in ~/.rq.yml. For example:

  production:  redis-01:6379
  staging:     redis-stg-01:6379
  development: localhost:6379

environment: production


See included file LICENSE.

Copyright (c) 2012 Richard Lister.