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ResqueSolo is a resque plugin to add unique jobs to resque.

It is a re-write of resque-loner.

It requires resque 1.25 or greater and works with ruby 2.3 and later.

It removes the dependency on Resque::Helpers, which is deprecated for resque 2.0.


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem "resque_solo"

To use with resque 2.0.0, which is unreleased as of 2018/7/24:

gem "resque", git: ""
gem "resque_solo"


class UpdateCat
  include Resque::Plugins::UniqueJob
  @queue = :cats

  def self.perform(cat_id)
    # do something

If you attempt to queue a unique job multiple times, it is ignored:

Resque.enqueue UpdateCat, 1
=> true
Resque.enqueue UpdateCat, 1
=> nil
Resque.enqueue UpdateCat, 1
=> nil
Resque.size :cats
=> 1
Resque.enqueued? UpdateCat, 1
=> true
Resque.enqueued_in? :dogs, UpdateCat, 1
=> false



By default, lock_after_execution_period is 0 and enqueued? becomes false as soon as the job is being worked on.

The lock_after_execution_period setting can be used to delay when the unique job key is deleted (i.e. when enqueued? becomes false). For example, if you have a long-running unique job that takes around 10 seconds, and you don't want to requeue another job until you are sure it is done, you could set lock_after_execution_period = 20. Or if you never want to run a long running job more than once per minute, set lock_after_execution_period = 60.

class UpdateCat
  include Resque::Plugins::UniqueJob
  @queue = :cats
  @lock_after_execution_period = 20

  def self.perform(cat_id)
    # do something


Clone this repository, then:

Run tests with resque 1.x locally:

bundle exec rake test

Test supported versions of resque locally:

appraisal install
appraisal rake test