Class: REXML::Element
- Includes:
- Namespace
- Defined in:
- lib/rexml/element.rb
An REXML::Element object represents an XML element.
An element:
Has a name (string).
May have a parent (another element).
Has zero or more children (other elements, text, CDATA, processing instructions, and comments).
Has zero or more siblings (other elements, text, CDATA, processing instructions, and comments).
Has zero or more named attributes.
In a Hurry?
If you’re somewhat familiar with XML and have a particular task in mind, you may want to see the tasks pages, and in particular, the tasks page for elements.
An element has a name, which is initially set when the element is created:
e ='foo') # => "foo"
The name may be changed: = 'bar' # => "bar"
An element may have a parent.
Its parent may be assigned explicitly when the element is created:
e0 ='foo')
e1 ='bar', e0)
e1.parent # => <foo> ... </>
Note: the representation of an element always shows the element’s name. If the element has children, the representation indicates that by including an ellipsis (...
The parent may be assigned explicitly at any time:
e2 ='baz')
e1.parent = e2
e1.parent # => <baz/>
When an element is added as a child, its parent is set automatically:
e0.parent # => <bar> ... </>
For an element that has no parent, method parent
returns nil
An element has zero or more children. The children are an ordered collection of all objects whose parent is the element itself.
The children may include any combination of elements, text, comments, processing instructions, and CDATA. (This example keeps things clean by controlling whitespace via a context
xml_string = <<-EOT
text 0
<!--comment 0-->
<?target_0 pi_0?>
<![CDATA[cdata 0]]>
text 1
<!--comment 1-->
<?target_0 pi_1?>
<![CDATA[cdata 1]]>
context = {ignore_whitespace_nodes: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
d =, context)
root = d.root
root.children.size # => 10
root.each {|child| p "#{child.class}: #{child}" }
"REXML::Element: <ele_0/>"
"REXML::Text: \n text 0\n "
"REXML::Comment: comment 0"
"REXML::Instruction: <?target_0 pi_0?>"
"REXML::CData: cdata 0"
"REXML::Element: <ele_1/>"
"REXML::Text: \n text 1\n "
"REXML::Comment: comment 1"
"REXML::Instruction: <?target_0 pi_1?>"
"REXML::CData: cdata 1"
A child may be added using inherited methods Parent#insert_before or Parent#insert_after:
xml_string = '<root><a/><c/><d/></root>'
d =
root = d.root
c = d.root[1] # => <c/>
root.to_a # => [<a/>, <b/>, <c/>, <d/>]
A child may be replaced using Parent#replace_child:
root.to_a # => [<a/>, <b/>, <x/>, <d/>]
A child may be removed using Parent#delete:
x = root[2] # => <x/>
root.to_a # => [<a/>, <b/>, <d/>]
An element has zero or more siblings, which are the other children of the element’s parent.
In the example above, element ele_1
is between a CDATA sibling and a text sibling:
ele_1 = root[5] # => <ele_1/>
ele_1.previous_sibling # => "cdata 0"
ele_1.next_sibling # => "\n text 1\n "
An element has zero or more named attributes.
A new element has no attributes:
e ='foo')
e.attributes # => {}
Attributes may be added:
e.add_attribute('bar', 'baz')
e.add_attribute('bat', 'bam')
e.attributes.size # => 2
e['bar'] # => "baz"
e['bat'] # => "bam"
An existing attribute may be modified:
e.add_attribute('bar', 'bad')
e.attributes.size # => 2
e['bar'] # => "bad"
An existing attribute may be deleted:
e.attributes.size # => 1
e['bar'] # => nil
What’s Here
To begin with, what’s elsewhere?
Class REXML::Element inherits from its ancestor classes:
REXML::Element itself and its ancestors also include modules:
Methods for Creating an Element
- ::new
Returns a new empty element.
- #clone
Returns a clone of another element.
Methods for Attributes
- [attribute_name]
Returns an attribute value.
- #add_attribute
Adds a new attribute.
- #add_attributes
Adds multiple new attributes.
- #attribute
Returns the attribute value for a given name and optional namespace.
- #delete_attribute
Removes an attribute.
Methods for Children
- [index]
Returns the child at the given offset.
- #add_element
Adds an element as the last child.
- #delete_element
Deletes a child element.
- #each_element
Calls the given block with each child element.
- #each_element_with_attribute
Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria, which can include the attribute name.
- #each_element_with_text
Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria, which can include text.
- #get_elements
Returns an array of element children that match a given xpath.
Methods for Text Children
- #add_text
Adds a text node to the element.
- #get_text
Returns a text node that meets specified criteria.
- #text
Returns the text string from the first node that meets specified criteria.
- #texts
Returns an array of the text children of the element.
- #text=
Adds, removes, or replaces the first text child of the element
Methods for Other Children
- #cdatas
Returns an array of the cdata children of the element.
- #comments
Returns an array of the comment children of the element.
- #instructions
Returns an array of the instruction children of the element.
Methods for Namespaces
- #add_namespace
Adds a namespace to the element.
- #delete_namespace
Removes a namespace from the element.
- #namespace
Returns the string namespace URI for the element.
- #namespaces
Returns a hash of all defined namespaces in the element.
- #prefixes
Returns an array of the string prefixes (names) of all defined namespaces in the element
Methods for Querying
- #document
Returns the document, if any, that the element belongs to.
- #root
Returns the most distant element (not document) ancestor of the element.
- #root_node
Returns the most distant ancestor of the element.
- #xpath
Returns the string xpath to the element relative to the most distant parent
- #has_attributes?
Returns whether the element has attributes.
- #has_elements?
Returns whether the element has elements.
- #has_text?
Returns whether the element has text.
- #next_element
Returns the next sibling that is an element.
- #previous_element
Returns the previous sibling that is an element.
- #raw
Returns whether raw mode is set for the element.
- #whitespace
Returns whether whitespace is respected for the element.
- #ignore_whitespace_nodes
Returns whether whitespace nodes are to be ignored for the element.
- #node_type
Returns symbol
One More Method
- #inspect
Returns a string representation of the element.
- #elements
Returns the REXML::Elements object for the element.
- #attributes
Returns the REXML::Attributes object for the element.
- #context
Returns or sets the context hash for the element.
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary collapse
The default name
Constants included from Namespace
Constants included from XMLTokens
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#attributes ⇒ Object
Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this element.
#context ⇒ Object
The context holds information about the processing environment, such as whitespace handling.
#elements ⇒ Object
Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this element.
Attributes included from Namespace
#expanded_name, #name, #prefix
Attributes inherited from Child
Instance Method Summary collapse
#[](name_or_index) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: [index] -> object [attr_name] -> attr_value [attr_sym] -> attr_value.
#add_attribute(key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: add_attribute(name, value) -> value add_attribute(attribute) -> attribute.
#add_attributes(hash) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: add_attributes(hash) -> hash add_attributes(array).
#add_element(element, attrs = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: add_element(name, attributes = nil) -> new_element add_element(element, attributes = nil) -> element.
#add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil) -> self.
#add_text(text) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: add_text(string) -> nil add_text(text_node) -> self.
#attribute(name, namespace = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: attribute(name, namespace = nil).
#cdatas ⇒ Object
:call-seq: cdatas -> array_of_cdata_children.
#clone ⇒ Object
:call-seq: clone -> new_element.
#comments ⇒ Object
:call-seq: comments -> array_of_comment_children.
#delete_attribute(key) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: delete_attribute(name) -> removed_attribute or nil.
#delete_element(element) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: delete_element(index) -> removed_element or nil delete_element(element) -> removed_element or nil delete_element(xpath) -> removed_element or nil.
#delete_namespace(namespace = "xmlns") ⇒ Object
:call-seq: delete_namespace(namespace = ‘xmlns’) -> self.
#document ⇒ Object
:call-seq: document -> document or nil.
#each_element(xpath = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: each_element {|e| … }.
#each_element_with_attribute(key, value = nil, max = 0, name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: each_element_with_attribute(attr_name, value = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| … }.
#each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = 0, name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| … }.
#get_elements(xpath) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: get_elements(xpath).
#get_text(path = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: get_text(xpath = nil) -> text_node or nil.
#has_attributes? ⇒ Boolean
:call-seq: has_attributes? -> true or false.
#has_elements? ⇒ Boolean
:call-seq: has_elements?.
#has_text? ⇒ Boolean
:call-seq: has_text? -> true or false.
#ignore_whitespace_nodes ⇒ Object
:call-seq: ignore_whitespace_nodes.
#initialize(arg = UNDEFINED, parent = nil, context = nil) ⇒ Element
:call-seq: = ‘UNDEFINED’, parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element, parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element.
#inspect ⇒ Object
:call-seq: inspect -> string.
#instructions ⇒ Object
:call-seq: instructions -> array_of_instruction_children.
#namespace(prefix = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: namespace(prefix = nil) -> string_uri or nil.
#namespaces ⇒ Object
:call-seq: namespaces -> array_of_namespace_names.
#next_element ⇒ Object
:call-seq: next_element.
#node_type ⇒ Object
:call-seq: node_type -> :element.
#prefixes ⇒ Object
:call-seq: prefixes -> array_of_namespace_prefixes.
#previous_element ⇒ Object
:call-seq: previous_element.
#raw ⇒ Object
:call-seq: raw.
#root ⇒ Object
:call-seq: root -> element.
#root_node ⇒ Object
:call-seq: root_node -> document or element.
#text(path = nil) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: text(xpath = nil) -> text_string or nil.
#text=(text) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: text = string -> string text = nil -> nil.
#texts ⇒ Object
:call-seq: texts -> array_of_text_children.
#whitespace ⇒ Object
:call-seq: whitespace.
#write(output = $stdout, indent = -1,, transitive = false, ie_hack = false) ⇒ Object
#xpath ⇒ Object
:call-seq: xpath -> string_xpath.
Methods included from Namespace
#fully_expanded_name, #has_name?
Methods inherited from Parent
#[]=, #add, #deep_clone, #delete, #delete_at, #delete_if, #each, #each_index, #index, #insert_after, #insert_before, #parent?, #replace_child, #size, #to_a, #unshift
Methods inherited from Child
#bytes, #next_sibling=, #previous_sibling=, #remove, #replace_with
Methods included from Node
#each_recursive, #find_first_recursive, #indent, #index_in_parent, #next_sibling_node, #parent?, #previous_sibling_node, #to_s
Constructor Details
#initialize(arg = UNDEFINED, parent = nil, context = nil) ⇒ Element
:call-seq: = 'UNDEFINED', parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element, parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element
Returns a new REXML::Element object.
When no arguments are given, returns an element with name 'UNDEFINED'
e = # => <UNDEFINED/>
e.class # => REXML::Element # => "UNDEFINED"
When only argument name
is given, returns an element of the given name:'foo') # => <foo/>
When only argument element
is given, it must be an REXML::Element object; returns a shallow copy of the given element:
e0 ='foo')
e1 = # => <foo/>
When argument parent
is also given, it must be an REXML::Parent object:
e ='foo',
e.parent # => #<REXML::Parent @parent=nil, @children=[<foo/>]>
When argument context
is also given, it must be a hash representing the context for the element; see Element Context:
e ='foo', nil, {raw: :all})
e.context # => {:raw=>:all}
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 319 def initialize( arg = UNDEFINED, parent=nil, context=nil ) super(parent) @elements = @attributes = @context = context if arg.kind_of? String = arg elsif arg.kind_of? Element = arg. arg.attributes.each_attribute{ |attribute| @attributes << attribute ) } @context = arg.context end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#attributes ⇒ Object (readonly)
Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this element.
278 279 280 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 278 def attributes @attributes end |
#context ⇒ Object
The context holds information about the processing environment, such as whitespace handling.
281 282 283 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 281 def context @context end |
#elements ⇒ Object (readonly)
Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this element.
278 279 280 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 278 def elements @elements end |
Instance Method Details
#[](name_or_index) ⇒ Object
[index] -> object
[attr_name] -> attr_value
[attr_sym] -> attr_value
With integer argument index
given, returns the child at offset index
, or nil
if none:
d = '><root><a/>text<b/>more<c/></root>'
root = d.root
(0..root.size).each do |index|
node = root[index]
p "#{index}: #{node} (#{node.class})"
"0: <a/> (REXML::Element)"
"1: text (REXML::Text)"
"2: <b/> (REXML::Element)"
"3: more (REXML::Text)"
"4: <c/> (REXML::Element)"
"5: (NilClass)"
With string argument attr_name
given, returns the string value for the given attribute name if it exists, otherwise nil
d ='<root attr="value"></root>')
root = d.root
root['attr'] # => "value"
root['nosuch'] # => nil
With symbol argument attr_sym
given, returns [attr_sym.to_s]
root[:attr] # => "value"
root[:nosuch] # => nil
1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1246 def [](name_or_index) case name_or_index when String attributes[name_or_index] when Symbol attributes[name_or_index.to_s] else super end end |
#add_attribute(key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
add_attribute(name, value) -> value
add_attribute(attribute) -> attribute
Adds an attribute to this element, overwriting any existing attribute by the same name.
With string argument name
and object value
are given, adds the attribute created with that name and value:
e =
e.add_attribute('attr', 'value') # => "value"
e['attr'] # => "value"
e.add_attribute('attr', 'VALUE') # => "VALUE"
e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
With only attribute object attribute
given, adds the given attribute:
a ='attr', 'value')
e.add_attribute(a) # => attr='value'
e['attr'] # => "value"
a ='attr', 'VALUE')
e.add_attribute(a) # => attr='VALUE'
e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1345 def add_attribute( key, value=nil ) if key.kind_of? Attribute @attributes << key else @attributes[key] = value end end |
#add_attributes(hash) ⇒ Object
add_attributes(hash) -> hash
Adds zero or more attributes to the element; returns the argument.
If hash argument hash
is given, each key must be a string; adds each attribute created with the key/value pair:
e =
h = {'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'}
If argument array
is given, each array member must be a 2-element array <tt>[name, value]; each name must be a string:
e =
a = [['foo' => 'bar'], ['baz' => 'bat']]
1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1376 def add_attributes hash if hash.kind_of? Hash hash.each_pair {|key, value| @attributes[key] = value } elsif hash.kind_of? Array hash.each { |value| @attributes[ value[0] ] = value[1] } end end |
#add_element(element, attrs = nil) ⇒ Object
add_element(name, attributes = nil) -> new_element
add_element(element, attributes = nil) -> element
Adds a child element, optionally setting attributes on the added element; returns the added element.
With string argument name
, creates a new element with that name and adds the new element as a child:
e0 ='foo')
e0[0] # => <bar/>
With argument name
and hash argument attributes
, sets attributes on the new element:
e0.add_element('baz', {'bat' => '0', 'bam' => '1'})
e0[1] # => <baz bat='0' bam='1'/>
With element argument element
, adds that element as a child:
e0 ='foo')
e1 ='bar')
e0[0] # => <bar/>
With argument element
and hash argument attributes
, sets attributes on the added element:
e0.add_element(e1, {'bat' => '0', 'bam' => '1'})
e0[1] # => <bar bat='0' bam='1'/>
732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 732 def add_element element, attrs=nil raise "First argument must be either an element name, or an Element object" if element.nil? el = @elements.add(element) attrs.each do |key, value| el.attributes[key]=value end if attrs.kind_of? Hash el end |
#add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil) ⇒ Object
add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil) -> self
Adds a namespace to the element; returns self
With the single argument prefix
, adds a namespace using the given prefix
and the namespace URI:
e ='foo')
e.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"bar"}
With both arguments prefix
and uri
given, adds a namespace using both arguments:
e.add_namespace('baz', 'bat')
e.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"bar", "baz"=>"bat"}
655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 655 def add_namespace( prefix, uri=nil ) unless uri @attributes["xmlns"] = prefix else prefix = "xmlns:#{prefix}" unless prefix =~ /^xmlns:/ @attributes[ prefix ] = uri end self end |
#add_text(text) ⇒ Object
add_text(string) -> nil
add_text(text_node) -> self
Adds text to the element.
When string argument string
is given, returns nil
If the element has no child text node, creates a REXML::Text object using the string, honoring the current settings for whitespace and raw, then adds that node to the element:
d ='<a><b/></a>')
a = d.root
a.to_a # => [<b/>, "foo"]
If the element has child text nodes, appends the string to the last text node:
d ='<a>foo<b/>bar</a>')
a = d.root
a.to_a # => ["foo", <b/>, "barbaz"]
a.to_a # => ["foo", <b/>, "barbazbaz"]
When text node argument text_node
is given, appends the node as the last text node in the element; returns self
d ='<a>foo<b/>bar</a>')
a = d.root
a.to_a # => ["foo", <b/>, "bar", "baz"]
a.to_a # => ["foo", <b/>, "bar", "baz", "baz"]
1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1147 def add_text( text ) if text.kind_of? String if @children[-1].kind_of? Text @children[-1] << text return end text = text, whitespace(), nil, raw() ) end self << text unless text.nil? return self end |
#attribute(name, namespace = nil) ⇒ Object
attribute(name, namespace = nil)
Returns the string value for the given attribute name.
With only argument name
given, returns the value of the named attribute if it exists, otherwise nil
xml_string = <<-EOT
<root xmlns="ns0">
<a xmlns="ns1" attr="value"></a>
<b xmlns="ns2" attr="value"></b>
<c attr="value"/>
d =
root = d.root
a = root[1] # => <a xmlns='ns1' attr='value'/>
a.attribute('attr') # => attr='value'
a.attribute('nope') # => nil
With arguments name
and namespace
given, returns the value of the named attribute if it exists, otherwise nil
xml_string = "<root xmlns:a='a' a:x='a:x' x='x'/>"
document =
document.root.attribute("x") # => x='x'
document.root.attribute("x", "a") # => a:x='a:x'
1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1287 def attribute( name, namespace=nil ) prefix = namespaces.key(namespace) if namespace prefix = nil if prefix == 'xmlns' ret_val = attributes.get_attribute( prefix ? "#{prefix}:#{name}" : name ) return ret_val unless ret_val.nil? return nil if prefix.nil? # now check that prefix'es namespace is not the same as the # default namespace return nil unless ( namespaces[ prefix ] == namespaces[ 'xmlns' ] ) attributes.get_attribute( name ) end |
#cdatas ⇒ Object
cdatas -> array_of_cdata_children
Returns a frozen array of the REXML::CData children of the element:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d =
cds = d.root.cdatas # => ["foo", "bar"]
cds.frozen? # => true {|cd| cd.class } # => [REXML::CData, REXML::CData]
1420 1421 1422 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1420 def cdatas find_all { |child| child.kind_of? CData }.freeze end |
#clone ⇒ Object
383 384 385 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 383 def clone self end |
#comments ⇒ Object
comments -> array_of_comment_children
Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Comment children of the element:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d =
cs = d.root.comments
cs.frozen? # => true {|c| c.class } # => [REXML::Comment, REXML::Comment] {|c| c.to_s } # => ["foo", "bar"]
1441 1442 1443 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1441 def comments find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Comment }.freeze end |
#delete_attribute(key) ⇒ Object
1395 1396 1397 1398 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1395 def delete_attribute(key) attr = @attributes.get_attribute(key) attr.remove unless attr.nil? end |
#delete_element(element) ⇒ Object
delete_element(index) -> removed_element or nil
delete_element(element) -> removed_element or nil
delete_element(xpath) -> removed_element or nil
Deletes a child element.
When 1-based integer argument index
is given, removes and returns the child element at that offset if it exists; indexing does not include text nodes; returns nil
if the element does not exist:
d = '<a><b/>text<c/></a>'
a = d.root # => <a> ... </>
a.delete_element(1) # => <b/>
a.delete_element(1) # => <c/>
a.delete_element(1) # => nil
When element argument element
is given, removes and returns that child element if it exists, otherwise returns nil
d = '<a><b/>text<c/></a>'
a = d.root # => <a> ... </>
c = a[2] # => <c/>
a.delete_element(c) # => <c/>
a.delete_element(c) # => nil
When xpath argument xpath
is given, removes and returns the element at xpath if it exists, otherwise returns nil
d = '<a><b/>text<c/></a>'
a = d.root # => <a> ... </>
a.delete_element('//c') # => <c/>
a.delete_element('//c') # => nil
778 779 780 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 778 def delete_element element @elements.delete element end |
#delete_namespace(namespace = "xmlns") ⇒ Object
delete_namespace(namespace = 'xmlns') -> self
Removes a namespace from the element.
With no argument, removes the default namespace:
d = "<a xmlns:foo='bar' xmlns='twiddle'/>"
d.to_s # => "<a xmlns:foo='bar' xmlns='twiddle'/>"
d.root.delete_namespace # => <a xmlns:foo='bar'/>
d.to_s # => "<a xmlns:foo='bar'/>"
With argument namespace
, removes the specified namespace:
d.to_s # => "<a/>"
Does nothing if no such namespace is found:
d.to_s # => "<a/>"
687 688 689 690 691 692 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 687 def delete_namespace namespace="xmlns" namespace = "xmlns:#{namespace}" unless namespace == 'xmlns' attribute = attributes.get_attribute(namespace) attribute.remove unless attribute.nil? self end |
#document ⇒ Object
document -> document or nil
If the element is part of a document, returns that document:
d ='<a><b><c/></b></a>')
top_element = d.first
child = top_element.first
top_element.document == d # => true
child.document == d # => true
If the element is not part of a document, returns nil
: # => nil
For a document, returns self
d.document == d # => true
Related: #root, #root_node.
475 476 477 478 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 475 def document rt = root rt.parent if rt end |
#each_element(xpath = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
930 931 932 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 930 def each_element( xpath=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element @elements.each( xpath, &block ) end |
#each_element_with_attribute(key, value = nil, max = 0, name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
each_element_with_attribute(attr_name, value = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| ... }
Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria.
When only string argument attr_name
is given, calls the block with each child element that has that attribute:
d = '<a><b id="1"/><c id="2"/><d id="1"/><e/></a>'
a = d.root
a.each_element_with_attribute('id') {|e| p e }
<b id='1'/>
<c id='2'/>
<d id='1'/>
With argument attr_name
and string argument value
given, calls the block with each child element that has that attribute with that value:
a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1') {|e| p e }
<b id='1'/>
<d id='1'/>
With arguments attr_name
, value
, and integer argument max
given, calls the block with at most max
child elements:
a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1', 1) {|e| p e }
<b id='1'/>
With all arguments given, including xpath
, calls the block with only those child elements that meet the first three criteria, and also match the given xpath
a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1', 2, '//d') {|e| p e }
<d id='1'/>
847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 847 def each_element_with_attribute( key, value=nil, max=0, name=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element each_with_something( proc {|child| if value.nil? child.attributes[key] != nil else child.attributes[key]==value end }, max, name, &block ) end |
#each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = 0, name = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| ... }
Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria.
With no arguments, calls the block with each child element that has text:
d = '<a><b>b</b><c>b</c><d>d</d><e/></a>'
a = d.root
a.each_element_with_text {|e| p e }
<b> ... </>
<c> ... </>
<d> ... </>
With the single string argument text
, calls the block with each element that has exactly that text:
a.each_element_with_text('b') {|e| p e }
<b> ... </>
<c> ... </>
With argument text
and integer argument max
, calls the block with at most max
a.each_element_with_text('b', 1) {|e| p e }
<b> ... </>
With all arguments given, including xpath
, calls the block with only those child elements that meet the first two criteria, and also match the given xpath
a.each_element_with_text('b', 2, '//c') {|e| p e }
<c> ... </>
904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 904 def each_element_with_text( text=nil, max=0, name=nil, &block ) # :yields: Element each_with_something( proc {|child| if text.nil? child.has_text? else child.text == text end }, max, name, &block ) end |
#get_elements(xpath) ⇒ Object
949 950 951 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 949 def get_elements( xpath ) @elements.to_a( xpath ) end |
#get_text(path = nil) ⇒ Object
get_text(xpath = nil) -> text_node or nil
Returns the first text node child in a specified element, if it exists, nil
With no argument, returns the first text node from self
d = "<p>some text <b>this is bold!</b> more text</p>"
d.root.get_text.class # => REXML::Text
d.root.get_text # => "some text "
With argument xpath
, returns the first text node from the element that matches xpath
d.root.get_text(1) # => "this is bold!"
1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1053 def get_text path = nil rv = nil if path element = @elements[ path ] rv = element.get_text unless element.nil? else rv = @children.find { |node| node.kind_of? Text } end return rv end |
#has_attributes? ⇒ Boolean
1315 1316 1317 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1315 def has_attributes? return !@attributes.empty? end |
#has_elements? ⇒ Boolean
794 795 796 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 794 def has_elements? !@elements.empty? end |
#has_text? ⇒ Boolean
1002 1003 1004 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1002 def has_text? not text().nil? end |
#ignore_whitespace_nodes ⇒ Object
Returns true
if whitespace nodes are ignored for the element.
See Element Context.
513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 513 def ignore_whitespace_nodes @ignore_whitespace_nodes = false if @context if @context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes] @ignore_whitespace_nodes = (@context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes] == :all or @context[:ignore_whitespace_nodes].include? ) end end end |
#inspect ⇒ Object
inspect -> string
Returns a string representation of the element.
For an element with no attributes and no children, shows the element name: # => "<UNDEFINED/>"
Shows attributes, if any:
e ='foo')
e.add_attributes({'bar' => 0, 'baz' => 1})
e.inspect # => "<foo bar='0' baz='1'/>"
Shows an ellipsis (...
), if there are child elements:
e.inspect # => "<foo bar='0' baz='1'> ... </>"
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 358 def inspect rv = "<#@expanded_name" @attributes.each_attribute do |attr| rv << " " attr.write( rv, 0 ) end if children.size > 0 rv << "> ... </>" else rv << "/>" end end |
#instructions ⇒ Object
instructions -> array_of_instruction_children
Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Instruction children of the element:
xml_string = <<-EOT
<?target0 foo?>
<?target1 bar?>
d =
is = d.root.instructions
is.frozen? # => true {|i| i.class } # => [REXML::Instruction, REXML::Instruction] {|i| i.to_s } # => ["<?target0 foo?>", "<?target1 bar?>"]
1462 1463 1464 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1462 def instructions find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Instruction }.freeze end |
#namespace(prefix = nil) ⇒ Object
namespace(prefix = nil) -> string_uri or nil
Returns the string namespace URI for the element, possibly deriving from one of its ancestors.
xml_string = <<-EOT
<a xmlns='1' xmlns:y='2'>
<c xmlns:z='3'/>
d =
b = d.elements['//b']
b.namespace # => "1"
b.namespace('y') # => "2"
b.namespace('nosuch') # => nil
618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 618 def namespace(prefix=nil) if prefix.nil? prefix = prefix() end if prefix == '' prefix = "xmlns" else prefix = "xmlns:#{prefix}" unless prefix[0,5] == 'xmlns' end ns = nil target = self while ns.nil? and target ns = target.attributes[prefix] target = target.parent end ns = '' if ns.nil? and prefix == 'xmlns' return ns end |
#namespaces ⇒ Object
namespaces -> array_of_namespace_names
Returns a hash of all defined namespaces in the element and its ancestors:
xml_string = <<-EOT
<a xmlns:x='1' xmlns:y='2'>
<c xmlns:z='3'/>
d =
d.elements['//a'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2"}
d.elements['//b'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2"}
d.elements['//c'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2", "z"=>"3"}
591 592 593 594 595 596 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 591 def namespaces namespaces = {} namespaces = parent.namespaces if parent namespaces = namespaces.merge( attributes.namespaces ) return namespaces end |
#next_element ⇒ Object
963 964 965 966 967 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 963 def next_element element = next_sibling element = element.next_sibling until element.nil? or element.kind_of? Element return element end |
#node_type ⇒ Object
1168 1169 1170 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1168 def node_type :element end |
#prefixes ⇒ Object
prefixes -> array_of_namespace_prefixes
Returns an array of the string prefixes (names) of all defined namespaces in the element and its ancestors:
xml_string = <<-EOT
<a xmlns:x='1' xmlns:y='2'>
<c xmlns:z='3'/>
d =, {compress_whitespace: :all})
d.elements['//a'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
d.elements['//b'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
d.elements['//c'].prefixes # => ["x", "y", "z"]
565 566 567 568 569 570 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 565 def prefixes prefixes = [] prefixes = parent.prefixes if parent prefixes |= attributes.prefixes return prefixes end |
#previous_element ⇒ Object
979 980 981 982 983 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 979 def previous_element element = previous_sibling element = element.previous_sibling until element.nil? or element.kind_of? Element return element end |
#raw ⇒ Object
Returns true
if raw mode is set for the element.
See Element Context.
The evaluation is tested against expanded_name
, and so is namespace sensitive.
533 534 535 536 537 538 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 533 def raw @raw = (@context and @context[:raw] and (@context[:raw] == :all or @context[:raw].include? )) @raw end |
#root ⇒ Object
root -> element
Returns the most distant element (not document) ancestor of the element:
d ='<a><b><c/></b></a>')
top_element = d.first
child = top_element.first
top_element.root == top_element # => true
child.root == top_element # => true
For a document, returns the topmost element:
d.root == top_element # => true
Related: #root_node, #document.
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 443 def root target = self while target return target.elements[1] if target.kind_of? Document parent = target.parent return target if parent.kind_of? Document or parent.nil? target = parent end nil end |
#root_node ⇒ Object
root_node -> document or element
Returns the most distant ancestor of self
When the element is part of a document, returns the root node of the document. Note that the root node is different from the document element; in this example a
is document element and the root node is its parent:
d ='<a><b><c/></b></a>')
top_element = d.first # => <a> ... </>
child = top_element.first # => <b> ... </>
d.root_node == d # => true
top_element.root_node == d # => true
child.root_node == d # => true
When the element is not part of a document, but does have ancestor elements, returns the most distant ancestor element:
e0 ='foo')
e1 ='bar')
e1.parent = e0
e2 ='baz')
e2.parent = e1
e2.root_node == e0 # => true
When the element has no ancestor elements, returns self
e ='foo')
e.root_node == e # => true
Related: #root, #document.
422 423 424 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 422 def root_node parent.nil? ? self : parent.root_node end |
#text(path = nil) ⇒ Object
text(xpath = nil) -> text_string or nil
Returns the text string from the first text node child in a specified element, if it exists, nil
With no argument, returns the text from the first text node in self
d = "<p>some text <b>this is bold!</b> more text</p>"
d.root.text.class # => String
d.root.text # => "some text "
With argument xpath
, returns text from the first text node in the element that matches xpath
d.root.text(1) # => "this is bold!"
Note that an element may have multiple text nodes, possibly separated by other non-text children, as above. Even so, the returned value is the string text from the first such node.
Note also that the text note is retrieved by method get_text, and so is always normalized text.
1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1030 def text( path = nil ) rv = get_text(path) return rv.value unless rv.nil? nil end |
#text=(text) ⇒ Object
text = string -> string
text = nil -> nil
Adds, replaces, or removes the first text node child in the element.
With string argument string
, creates a new REXML::Text node containing that string, honoring the current settings for whitespace and row, then places the node as the first text child in the element; returns string
If the element has no text child, the text node is added:
d = '<a><b/></a>'
d.root.text = 'foo' #-> '<a><b/>foo</a>'
If the element has a text child, it is replaced:
d.root.text = 'bar' #-> '<a><b/>bar</a>'
With argument nil
, removes the first text child:
d.root.text = nil #-> '<a><b/><c/></a>'
1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1089 def text=( text ) if text.kind_of? String text = text, whitespace(), nil, raw() ) elsif !text.nil? and !text.kind_of? Text text = text.to_s, whitespace(), nil, raw() ) end old_text = get_text if text.nil? old_text.remove unless old_text.nil? else if old_text.nil? self << text else old_text.replace_with( text ) end end return self end |
#texts ⇒ Object
texts -> array_of_text_children
Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Text children of the element:
xml_string = '<root><a/>text<b/>more<c/></root>'
d =
ts = d.root.texts
ts.frozen? # => true {|t| t.class } # => [REXML::Text, REXML::Text] {|t| t.to_s } # => ["text", "more"]
1478 1479 1480 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1478 def texts find_all { |child| child.kind_of? Text }.freeze end |
#whitespace ⇒ Object
Returns true
if whitespace is respected for this element, false
See Element Context.
The evaluation is tested against the element’s expanded_name
, and so is namespace-sensitive.
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 490 def whitespace @whitespace = nil if @context if @context[:respect_whitespace] @whitespace = (@context[:respect_whitespace] == :all or @context[:respect_whitespace].include? ) end @whitespace = false if (@context[:compress_whitespace] and (@context[:compress_whitespace] == :all or @context[:compress_whitespace].include? ) ) end @whitespace = true unless @whitespace == false @whitespace end |
#write(output = $stdout, indent = -1,, transitive = false, ie_hack = false) ⇒ Object
See REXML::Formatters
Writes out this element, and recursively, all children.
- output
output an object which supports ‘<< string’; this is where the
document will be written.
- indent
An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be indented an additional amount. Defaults to -1
- transitive
If transitive is true and indent is >= 0, then the output will be pretty-printed in such a way that the added whitespace does not affect the parse tree of the document
- ie_hack
This hack inserts a space before the /> on empty tags to address a limitation of Internet Explorer. Defaults to false
out = ''
doc.write( out ) #-> doc is written to the string 'out'
doc.write( $stdout ) #-> doc written to the console
1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1504 def write(output=$stdout, indent=-1, transitive=false, ie_hack=false) Kernel.warn("#{}.write is deprecated. See REXML::Formatters", uplevel: 1) formatter = if indent > -1 if transitive require_relative "formatters/transitive" indent, ie_hack ) else indent, ie_hack ) end else ie_hack ) end formatter.write( self, output ) end |
#xpath ⇒ Object
xpath -> string_xpath
Returns the string xpath to the element relative to the most distant parent:
d ='<a><b><c/></b></a>')
a = d.root # => <a> ... </>
b = a[0] # => <b> ... </>
c = b[0] # => <c/>
d.xpath # => ""
a.xpath # => "/a"
b.xpath # => "/a/b"
c.xpath # => "/a/b/c"
If there is no parent, returns the expanded name of the element:
e ='foo')
e.xpath # => "foo"
1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 |
# File 'lib/rexml/element.rb', line 1192 def xpath path_elements = [] cur = self path_elements << __to_xpath_helper( self ) while cur.parent cur = cur.parent path_elements << __to_xpath_helper( cur ) end return path_elements.reverse.join( "/" ) end |