allows you to easily slice up a spritesheet into Magick::Image
The thought is that a spreadsheet contains many of a character's actions (standing, walking, jumping, etc..) which consist of many frames.
This gem provides a DSL for defining those actions and the size/location of each frame on the spritesheet.
Then, you are free to use these images in your favorite game library, save each frame as separate images, or even save each action as an animated GIF.
Bundler: gem 'rmagick-sprite'
RubyGems: gem install rmagick-sprite
Example Spritesheet
In this example, I have one character printed on one spritesheet with only one line of evenly spaced/sized sprites.
Here it is:
require 'rmagick-sprite'
sprite = Sprite.new do
filename 'foo/bar/character_spritesheet.png'
# The default action that the Sprite will use
default_action :standing
# These options will be reverse-merged into each frame
width: 16, height: 25, y: 0
standing do
frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 1
# x: 0, y: 0 is the top-left corner..
# I'm lazy, so I'm just taking the default_frame_options width and multiplying it by the
# frame's offset to calculate the x coordinate.
walking do
frame x: 16 * 0 # Frame 1
frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 2
frame x: 16 * 2 # Frame 3
frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 4
running do
frame x: 16 * 3 # Frame 1
frame x: 16 * 4 # Frame 2
frame x: 16 * 5 # Frame 3
frame x: 16 * 4 # Frame 4
# The :standing action only has one frame, so next_image will loop over the same frame on each call
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image (Magick::Image) - Note that this is the same as: sprite.next_frame.image
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image
sprite.action = :walking
# Here, we loop through the :walking animation.. pump these images right into Gosu or your favorite gaming library
p sprite.next_image # => Image 3 - Frame 1
p sprite.next_image # => Image 4 - Frame 2
p sprite.next_image # => Image 5 - Frame 3
p sprite.next_image # => Image 4 - Frame 4
p sprite.next_image # => Image 3 - Frame 1
Saving Frames and Actions
Save each action's frame as a separate image
sprite.actions.each do |action_name, action|
action.frames.each_with_index do |frame, index|
frame.image.write "foo/bar/#{action_name}_#{index}.png"
Saving an action as a gif
Note: This looks a bit wonky with transparent backgrounds.
sprite.actions[:running].write 'foo/bar/running.gif'