
This Ruby gem for was automatically generated by Swagger Codegen.

See the examples directory for some simple rokka specific examples.

A thin wrapper package for using this to make some things easier would be welcome. We're happy to help.

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 0.1.0


Use the gem from

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'rokka_client_codegen', '~> 0.1.0'

Or install it with:

gem install rokka_client_codegen

Build a gem from source

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build rokka_client_codegen.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./rokka_client_codegen-0.1.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./rokka_client_codegen-0.1.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'rokka_client_codegen', '~> 0.1.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'rokka_client_codegen', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then see the examples directory.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi create_membership PUT /organizations/organization/memberships/email Add a rokka user into an organization.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi create_organization PUT /organizations/organization Register a new Organization.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi create_organization_options PUT /organizations/organization/options Update options for an organization.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi create_user POST /users Register new user.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi delete_membership DELETE /organizations/organization/memberships/email Remove a user from an organization.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi get_membership GET /organizations/organization/memberships/email Get information about organization membership of a rokka user.
RokkaClientCodegen::AdminApi get_organization GET /organizations/organization Get information about an organization.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi copy_source_image POST /sourceimages/organization/hash/copy Copy a single source image to another org.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi create_source_image POST /sourceimages/organization Upload new source images.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi create_source_image_meta_dynamic_with_name PUT /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/dynamic/metaName Adds or updates a specific dynamic meta data for an image.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi create_source_image_meta_user PUT /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user Replace the image meta data with new information.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi create_source_image_meta_user_wth_name PUT /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user/metaName Adds or updates one user meta data field for an image.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi delete_source_image DELETE /sourceimages/organization/hash Delete a single source image.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi delete_source_image_meta_dynamic_with_name DELETE /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/dynamic/metaName Deletes a specific dynamic meta data.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi delete_source_image_meta_user DELETE /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user Deletes all user meta data.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi delete_source_image_meta_user_with_name DELETE /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user/metaName Deletes user meta data for a specified field.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi download_source_image GET /sourceimages/organization/hash/download Download original source image binary.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi get_source_image GET /sourceimages/organization/hash Get information about a source image.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi get_source_image_meta_user GET /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user Get all user meta data.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi get_source_image_meta_user_with_name GET /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user/metaName Get user meta for a specific field.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi list_source_images GET /sourceimages/organization Get all images of an organization, with paging.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi list_source_images_by_binary_hash GET /sourceimages/organization/binaryhash/binaryHash Get all images in this organization that match a binaryhash.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi patch_source_image_meta_user PATCH /sourceimages/organization/hash/meta/user Update the specified meta data fields for an image.
RokkaClientCodegen::SourceimagesApi restore_source_image POST /sourceimages/organization/hash/restore Restore source image including previously set metadata.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi create_stack PUT /stacks/organization/name Create a new stack.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi delete_stack DELETE /stacks/organization/name Delete a stack.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi get_stack GET /stacks/organization/name Get a single stack.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi list_operations GET /operations Listing all available operations that can be used in stacks.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi list_stack_options GET /stackoptions List all available options that can be set on stacks.
RokkaClientCodegen::StacksApi list_stacks GET /stacks/organization Get all stacks of an organization.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api-key
  • Location: HTTP header