Class: Rome2rio::DayFlags

EncodedFlags show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

  :sunday    => 0x01,
  :sun       => 0x01,
  :monday    => 0x02,
  :mon       => 0x02,
  :tuesday   => 0x04,
  :tue       => 0x04,
  :wednesday => 0x08,
  :wed       => 0x08,
  :thursday  => 0x10,
  :thu       => 0x10,
  :friday    => 0x20,
  :fri       => 0x20,
  :saturday  => 0x40,
  :sat       => 0x40,
  :weekdays  => 0x3E,
  :weekends  => 0x41,
  :all       => 0x7F

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from EncodedFlags


Method Summary

Methods inherited from EncodedFlags

#initialize, #method_missing, parse, #to_a, #to_i, #to_s

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Rome2rio::EncodedFlags

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Rome2rio::EncodedFlags