
Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/royal_mail_api. To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'royal_mail_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install royal_mail_api


in initializers/royal_mail_api.rb

  RoyalMailApi::Client.configure do |config|
    config.application_id = 'your Royal Mail application id'
    config.username = 'your Royal Mail username'
    config.password = ''your Royal Mail password'
    config.adapter = library used for http requests (eg. httpclient, excon)
    config.wsdl = 'path to your wsdl file'
    config.ssl_ca_cert_file = 'path to your Royal Mail ca cert file'
    config.ssl_cert_file = 'path to your Royal Mail cert file'
    config.ssl_cert_key_file = 'path to your Royal Mail key file'
    config.endpoint = api endpoint for sandbox/production (eg. "")
    config.logger =

to make a request

  RoyalMailApi::RequestHandler.request(type, attrs)



  attrs = {
    transaction_id: unique identifier, preferably the id of the delivery in your system,
    shipping_date: format ('%Y-%m-%d'),
    user_name: '',
    email: '',
    address_line1: '',
    post_town: '',
    post_code: '',
    weight: weight of letter/parcel,
    country_code: addressee's number's country code,
    telephone_number: ''

  RoyalMailApi::RequestHandler.request(:create_shipment, attrs)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/royal_mail_api/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

config adapter

To make sure that savon can make the requests you may have to install another library to use as an adapter:

This is a consistent issue, so best to play around.