rprov -- Redis Provisioning


rprov setup /some/path -m 1gb -h hostname
rprov setup /some/path -m 1gb --paranoid

rprov start /some/path
rprov stop  /some/path
rprov info  /some/path


Rprov is a simple ruby command line utility which helps you
provision and manage redis instances easily.


help        Show this usage guide

setup PATH  Provision a new Redis instance on the specified path.

start PATH  Start the previously provisioned instance located
            on the specified path.

stop PATH   Stop a running instance identified by a specific path.

info PATH   Get the necessary information for an instance, most notably
            a `REDIS_URL` which encapsulates all of the connection
            information necessary to access the instance.


-m          Customize the amount of max memory usable for the instance.
            (Defaults to no limit.)

-h          Specify the bind address for this redis instance.
            (Defaults to

--paranoid  Removes some of the commands meant to be used by sysadmins
            and renames some into a cryptic, non-guessable one.