Enhanced MARC is a set of classes, modules and methods that sit on top of ruby-marc (rubyforge.org/projects/marc) to help parse the contents of MARC records more easily and conveniently. Installation:

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
sudo gem install rsinger-enhanced_marc


require 'enhanced_marc'

reader = MARC::Reader.new('marc.dat')

records = []

reader.each do | record |
  records << record

>> records[0].class
=> MARC::BookRecord

>> records[0].is_conference?
=> false

>> records[0].is_manuscript?
=> false

# Send a boolean true if you want human readable forms, rather than MARC codes.
>> records[0].literary_form(true)
=> "Non-fiction"

>> records[0].nature_of_contents(true)
=> ["Bibliography", "Catalog"]

>> records[1].class
=> MARC::SoundRecord

>> records[1].composition_form(true)
=> "Jazz"

>> records[2].class
=> MARC::MapRecord

>> records[2].projection(true)
=> ["Cylindrical", "Mercator"]

>> records[2].relief(true)
=> ["Color"]