
lets and lets! as an alternate syntax for let and let! that allow you to define multiple variables within one call, for cleaner definitions of test variables. As a bonus, you also get help to define helper methods in the same declarative way!


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-lets', group: :test

In your spec_helper add:

# At the top of the file
require 'rspec-lets/helper'

# In the config block
config.extend RSpecLets::Helper

In your specs, instead of writing:

let(:admin) { create(:admin) }
let(:user)  { create(:user)  }

You can now write:

lets(admin: -> { create(:admin) },
     user:  -> { create(:user) })

Or alternatively:

lets([:admin, :user] =>
     ->(i, key) { create(key) })

The same syntax applies for lets!.

You can also define a helper method in the same style:

help(foo: ->(val) { val * 2 })