rtx-api-client-ruby Build Status

Ruby Client for the RTX API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rtx-api'

Then bundle install to retrieve the latest gem:

bundle install

Environment Variables

By adding RTX_USER_EMAIL and RTX_USER_PASSWORD to your environment variables, the gem will be able to load them during initialization of the Ruby client.

If you using a different url for for the RTX API, you can set the RTX_API_URL environment variable to use the appropriate one.


The client is lazily loaded, which means it will not authenticate until you make your initial request. Once the request is performed, we'll store the information for future requests. You will want to use the same instance of the client to perform all of your requests.

Initialization of the Client

Based on if you have your environment variables for RTX_API_EMAIL and RTX_API_PASSWORD configured

  client = RTX::API::Client.new

If you do not have your environment variables setup

client = RTX::API::Client.new("demo_account@yourdomain.com", "your_password")

Logging Out

The client is authenticated once requests are made. After you are done with all of your requests, you can log out of your session. You should do this at the end regardless if you know you have made a request. It will not logout unless a token has been received.


Get Reviews

Using the initialized client, you can request reviews

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews

# Performs the request

# Metadata for the response can be retrieved

If you want to add additional parameters to the query

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews(location_id: "56f2b386a97985e5a81e72f9", source_id: "56f2b386a97985e5a81e9td2")

# Performs the request

Get Notes

Using the initialized client, you can request notes

# Creates the query
notes = client.notes

# Performs the request

# Metadata for the response can be retrieved

If you want to add additional parameters to the query

# Creates the query
notes = client.notes(review_id: "56f2b386a97985e5a81e72f9")

# Performs the request


If you want to add custom paging on the collection. The per_page and page method can be chained on to the query.

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50)

# Performs the request

If you want to get the next set of the collection

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50)

# Performs the request (For first 50)

# Next 50 of the collection (If available)

If you want to get a specific page from the collection

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50).page(10)

# Performs the request for 50 reviews from page 10

If you want to get the previous set of the collection

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50).page(10)

# Performs the request for 50 reviews from page 10

# Previous 50 of the collection from page 9

If you want to know if there is a next page in the collection

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50).page(10)

# Performs the request for 50 reviews from page 10

# Returns true if there is another page in the collection

If you want to know if there is a previous page in the collection

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50).page(2)

# Performs the request for 50 reviews from page 10

# Returns true if there is another page before it in the collection

Iterate all pages of a collection of resources

If you want to retrieve all pages of a collection starting at a specific page, you can pass a block into all_pages

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50)

# Performs the request for each page (at 50 per page) starting at page 2 and ending at the last page returning the page in the block
pages = []
reviews.all_pages(2) do |page|
  pages << page

Iterate all resources spanning all pages

If you want to retrieve all resources of a collection starting at a specific page, you can pass a block into all_resources

# Creates the query
reviews = client.reviews.per_page(50)

# Performs the request for each page starting at page 2 and ending at the last page returning the resource in the block
resources = []
reviews.all_resources(2) do |resource|
  resources << resource

Creating a Resource

The create! method will perform the create and return the new object

# Create a note
note = client.notes.create!(review_id: "56f2ad01565d61bb2a606329", location_id: "566c91337536e826ec8ebfa0", content: "This is my note!")

Updating a Resource

The update! method will perform the update and return the new object

# Update a review
review = client.reviews.update!(id: "56f2ad01565d61bb2a606329", summary: "Updated Summary Text")

Deleting a Resource

The delete! method will perform the update and return true on success

# Delete a note
success = client.notes.delete!(id: "56f2bb805ee5d0bb2a9c6633")