
This gem contains Influitive specific rubocop cops. To use them you can do this in your Gemfile for a project:

group :development to
  gem 'rubocop', require: false
  gem 'rubocop-infl', require: false

And add this to your .rubocop.yml for the project:

require: "rubocop-infl"


It is considered good style to limit the length of lines in Ruby source code, and we have found that sometimes there are lines which are a little longer than our conventional limit and breaking up made the code less readable and "greppable". This Cop attempts to help with that situation by allowing a file to have up to a certain percentage of the lines be longer than our "usual" limit.

  Enabled: false

  Enabled: true
  SoftLimit: 80
  HardLimit: 120
  AllowedLongLinePercentage: 2

This would complain about any lines which were longer than 120 characters, and allow up to 2% of lines in a file to be longer than 80 characters before starting to complain about the lines longer that 80 characters.


Shamelessly based on has more information on custom cops.


This is licensed under the MIT License