Class: RuboCop::Cop::Lint::InvalidCharacterLiteral
- Includes:
- ParserDiagnostic
- Defined in:
- lib/rubocop/cop/lint/invalid_character_literal.rb
This cop checks for invalid character literals with a non-escaped
whitespace character (e.g. ?
However, currently it's unclear whether there's a way to emit this
warning without syntax errors.
$ ruby -w
p(? )
-:1: warning: invalid character syntax; use ?\s
-:1: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting ')'
p(? )
Constant Summary
Constants included from Util
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Cop
#config, #corrections, #offenses, #processed_source
Method Summary
Methods included from ParserDiagnostic
Methods inherited from Cop
#add_offense, all, #autocorrect?, #config_to_allow_offenses, #config_to_allow_offenses=, #cop_config, cop_name, #cop_name, cop_type, #debug?, #display_cop_names?, #exclude_file?, #include_file?, inherited, #initialize, #join_force?, lint?, #message, non_rails, qualified_cop_name, rails?, #relevant_file?, #support_autocorrect?
Methods included from IgnoredNode
#ignore_node, #ignored_node?, #part_of_ignored_node?
Methods included from Util
block_length, command?, comment_line?, const_name, first_part_of_call_chain, lambda?, lambda_or_proc?, line_range, numeric_range_size, on_node, operator?, parentheses?, proc?, range_with_surrounding_space, source_range, strip_quotes
Methods included from PathUtil
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from RuboCop::Cop::Cop