Class: RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashTransformValues

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This cop looks for uses of ‘_.each_with_object({}) …`, ` ….to_h`, and `Hash[ …]` that are actually just transforming the values of a hash, and tries to use a simpler & faster call to `transform_values` instead.

This can produce false positives if we are transforming an enumerable of key-value-like pairs that isn’t actually a hash, e.g.: ‘[[k1, v1], [k2, v2], …]`

This cop should only be enabled on Ruby version 2.4 or newer (‘transform_values` was added in Ruby 2.4.)


# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k] = foo(v) }
{a: 1, b: 2}.map { |k, v| [k, v * v] }

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}.transform_values { |v| foo(v) }
{a: 1, b: 2}.transform_values { |v| v * v }

Constant Summary

Constants included from Util


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Cop

#config, #corrections, #offenses, #processed_source

Method Summary

Methods included from HashTransformMethod

#autocorrect, #on_block, #on_csend, #on_send

Methods inherited from Cop

#add_offense, all, autocorrect_incompatible_with, badge, #config_to_allow_offenses, #config_to_allow_offenses=, #cop_config, #cop_name, cop_name, #correct, department, #disable_uncorrectable, #duplicate_location?, #excluded_file?, #external_dependency_checksum, #find_location, #highlights, inherited, #initialize, #join_force?, lint?, match?, #message, #messages, #parse, qualified_cop_name, #reason_to_not_correct, #relevant_file?, #target_rails_version, #target_ruby_version

Methods included from AST::Sexp


Methods included from NodePattern::Macros

#def_node_matcher, #def_node_search, #node_search, #node_search_all, #node_search_body, #node_search_first

Methods included from AutocorrectLogic

#autocorrect?, #autocorrect_enabled?, #autocorrect_requested?, #correctable?, #disable_offense, #disable_uncorrectable?, #safe_autocorrect?, #support_autocorrect?

Methods included from IgnoredNode

#ignore_node, #ignored_node?, #part_of_ignored_node?

Methods included from Util

add_parentheses, args_begin, args_end, begins_its_line?, comment_line?, comment_lines?, double_quotes_required?, escape_string, first_part_of_call_chain, interpret_string_escapes, line_range, needs_escaping?, on_node, parentheses?, same_line?, to_string_literal, to_supported_styles, tokens, trim_string_interporation_escape_character

Methods included from PathUtil

absolute?, chdir, hidden_dir?, hidden_file_in_not_hidden_dir?, match_path?, pwd, relative_path, reset_pwd, smart_path

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RuboCop::Cop::Cop