Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize
- Includes:
- RuboCop::Cop::MethodComplexity
- Defined in:
- lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/abc_size.rb
Checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See and
Interpreting ABC size:
“<= 17“ satisfactory
‘18..30` unsatisfactory
‘>` 30 dangerous
You can have repeated “attributes” calls count as a single “branch”. For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt is meant to distinguish actual ‘attr_reader` from other methods.
This cop also takes into account ‘AllowedMethods` (defaults to `[]`) And `AllowedPatterns` (defaults to `[]`)
Constant Summary collapse
- MSG =
'Assignment Branch Condition size for %<method>s is too high. ' \ '[%<abc_vector>s %<complexity>.4g/%<max>.4g]'
Constants inherited from Base
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Base
Method Summary
Methods included from RuboCop::Cop::MethodComplexity
Methods included from ExcludeLimit
Methods included from Utils::RepeatedCsendDiscount
#discount_for_repeated_csend?, #reset_on_lvasgn, #reset_repeated_csend
Methods inherited from Base
#active_support_extensions_enabled?, #add_global_offense, #add_offense, #always_autocorrect?, autocorrect_incompatible_with, badge, #begin_investigation, #callbacks_needed, callbacks_needed, #config_to_allow_offenses, #config_to_allow_offenses=, #contextual_autocorrect?, #cop_config, #cop_name, cop_name, department, documentation_url, exclude_from_registry, #excluded_file?, #external_dependency_checksum, inherited, #initialize, #inspect, joining_forces, lint?, match?, #message, #offenses, #on_investigation_end, #on_new_investigation, #on_other_file, #parse, #parser_engine, #ready, #relevant_file?, requires_gem, #string_literals_frozen_by_default?, support_autocorrect?, support_multiple_source?, #target_gem_version, #target_rails_version, #target_ruby_version
Methods included from AutocorrectLogic
#autocorrect?, #autocorrect_enabled?, #autocorrect_requested?, #autocorrect_with_disable_uncorrectable?, #correctable?, #disable_uncorrectable?, #safe_autocorrect?
Methods included from IgnoredNode
#ignore_node, #ignored_node?, #part_of_ignored_node?
Methods included from Util
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from RuboCop::Cop::Base