Module: Mapi::Types

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Constants

Constant Summary collapse


Mapi property types, taken from

The fields are [mapi name, variant name, description]. Maybe I should just make it a struct.

seen some synonyms here, like PT_I8 vs PT_LONG. seen stuff like PT_SRESTRICTION, not sure what that is. look at ‘grep ’ PT_’ data/mapitags.yaml | sort -u` also, it has stuff like PT_MV_BINARY, where MV probably means multi value, and is likely just defined to | in 0x1000.

Note that the last 2 are the only ones where the Mapi value differs from the Variant value for the corresponding variant type. Odd. Also, the last 2 are currently commented out here because of the clash.

Note 2 - the strings here say VT_BSTR, but I don’t have that defined in Ole::Types. Should maybe change them to match. I’ve also seen reference to PT_TSTRING, which is defined as some sort of get unicode first, and fallback to ansii or something.

	0x0001 => ['PT_NULL', 'VT_NULL', 'Null (no valid data)'],
	0x0002 => ['PT_SHORT', 'VT_I2', '2-byte integer (signed)'],
	0x0003 => ['PT_LONG', 'VT_I4', '4-byte integer (signed)'],
	0x0004 => ['PT_FLOAT', 'VT_R4', '4-byte real (floating point)'],
	0x0005 => ['PT_DOUBLE', 'VT_R8', '8-byte real (floating point)'],
	0x0006 => ['PT_CURRENCY', 'VT_CY', '8-byte integer (scaled by 10,000)'],
	0x000a => ['PT_ERROR', 'VT_ERROR', 'SCODE value; 32-bit unsigned integer'],
	0x000b => ['PT_BOOLEAN', 'VT_BOOL', 'Boolean'],
	0x000d => ['PT_OBJECT', 'VT_UNKNOWN', 'Data object'],
	0x001e => ['PT_STRING8', 'VT_BSTR', 'String'],
	0x001f => ['PT_UNICODE', 'VT_BSTR', 'String'],
	0x0040 => ['PT_SYSTIME', 'VT_DATE', '8-byte real (date in integer, time in fraction)'],
	#0x0102 => ['PT_BINARY', 'VT_BLOB', 'Binary (unknown format)'],
	#0x0102 => ['PT_CLSID', 'VT_CLSID', 'OLE GUID']