💎 ruby-spacy


ruby-spacy is a wrapper module for using spaCy from the Ruby programming language via PyCall. This module aims to make it easy and natural for Ruby programmers to use spaCy. This module covers the areas of spaCy functionality for using many varieties of its language models, not for building ones.

Tokenization, lemmatization, sentence segmentation
Part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing
Named entity recognition
Syntactic dependency visualization
Access to pre-trained word vectors
OpenAI Chat/Completion/Embeddings API integration

Current Version: 0.2.2

  • Addressed installation issues in some environments

Installation of prerequisites

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the enable-shared option is enabled in your Python installation. You can use pyenv to install any version of Python you like. Install Python 3.10.6, for instance, using pyenv with enable-shared as follows:

$ env CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 3.10.6

Remember to make it accessible from your working directory. It is recommended that you set global to the version of python you just installed.

$ pyenv global 3.10.6 

Then, install spaCy. If you use pip, the following command will do:

$ pip install spacy

Install trained language models. For a starter, en_core_web_sm will be the most useful to conduct basic text processing in English. However, if you want to use advanced features of spaCy, such as named entity recognition or document similarity calculation, you should also install a larger model like en_core_web_lg.

$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

See Spacy: Models & Languages for other models in various languages. To install models for the Japanese language, for instance, you can do it as follows:

$ python -m spacy download ja_core_news_sm
$ python -m spacy download ja_core_news_lg

Installation of ruby-spacy

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby-spacy'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ruby-spacy


See Examples below.


Many of the following examples are Python-to-Ruby translations of code snippets in spaCy 101. For more examples, look inside the examples directory.


spaCy: Tokenization

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")

doc = nlp.read("Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion")

row = []

doc.each do |token|
  row << token.text

headings = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
table = Terminal::Table.new rows: [row], headings: headings

puts table


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $ 1 billion

Part-of-speech and dependency

spaCy: Part-of-speech tags and dependencies

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion")

headings = ["text", "lemma", "pos", "tag", "dep"]
rows = []

doc.each do |token|
  rows << [token.text, token.lemma, token.pos, token.tag, token.dep]

table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


text lemma pos tag dep
Apple Apple PROPN NNP nsubj
is be AUX VBZ aux
looking look VERB VBG ROOT
at at ADP IN prep
buying buy VERB VBG pcomp
U.K. U.K. PROPN NNP dobj
startup startup NOUN NN advcl
for for ADP IN prep
$ $ SYM $ quantmod
1 1 NUM CD compound
billion billion NUM CD pobj

Part-of-speech and dependency (Japanese)

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("ja_core_news_lg")
doc = nlp.read("任天堂は1983年にファミコンを14,800円で発売した。")

headings = ["text", "lemma", "pos", "tag", "dep"]
rows = []

doc.each do |token|
  rows << [token.text, token.lemma, token.pos, token.tag, token.dep]

table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


text lemma pos tag dep
任天堂 任天堂 PROPN 名詞-固有名詞-一般 nsubj
ADP 助詞-係助詞 case
1983 1983 NUM 名詞-数詞 nummod
NOUN 名詞-普通名詞-助数詞可能 obl
ADP 助詞-格助詞 case
ファミコン ファミコン NOUN 名詞-普通名詞-一般 obj
ADP 助詞-格助詞 case
14,800 14,800 NUM 名詞-数詞 fixed
NOUN 名詞-普通名詞-助数詞可能 obl
ADP 助詞-格助詞 case
発売 発売 VERB 名詞-普通名詞-サ変可能 ROOT
する AUX 動詞-非自立可能 aux
AUX 助動詞 aux
PUNCT 補助記号-句点 punct


POS and morphology tags

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion")

headings = ["text", "shape", "is_alpha", "is_stop", "morphology"]
rows = []

doc.each do |token|
  morph = token.morphology.map do |k, v|
    "#{k} = #{v}"
  rows << [token.text, token.shape, token.is_alpha, token.is_stop, morph]

table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


text shape is_alpha is_stop morphology
Apple Xxxxx true false NounType = Prop
Number = Sing
is xx true true Mood = Ind
Number = Sing
Person = 3
Tense = Pres
VerbForm = Fin
looking xxxx true false Aspect = Prog
Tense = Pres
VerbForm = Part
at xx true true
buying xxxx true false Aspect = Prog
Tense = Pres
VerbForm = Part
U.K. X.X. false false NounType = Prop
Number = Sing
startup xxxx true false Number = Sing
for xxx true true
$ $ false false
1 d false false NumType = Card
billion xxxx true false NumType = Card

Visualizing dependency

spaCy: Visualizers

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")

sentence = "Autonomous cars shift insurance liability toward manufacturers"
doc = nlp.read(sentence)

dep_svg = doc.displacy(style: "dep", compact: false)

File.open(File.join("test_dep.svg"), "w") do |file|


Visualizing dependency (compact)

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")

sentence = "Autonomous cars shift insurance liability toward manufacturers"
doc = nlp.read(sentence)

dep_svg = doc.displacy(style: "dep", compact: true)

File.open(File.join("test_dep_compact.svg"), "w") do |file|


Named entity recognition

spaCy: Named entities

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc =nlp.read("Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion")

rows = []

doc.ents.each do |ent|
  rows << [ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label]

headings = ["text", "start_char", "end_char", "label"]
table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


text start_char end_char label
Apple 0 5 ORG
U.K. 27 31 GPE
$1 billion 44 54 MONEY

Named entity recognition (Japanese)

Ruby code:

require( "ruby-spacy")
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("ja_core_news_lg")

sentence = "任天堂は1983年にファミコンを14,800円で発売した。"
doc = nlp.read(sentence)

rows = []

doc.ents.each do |ent|
  rows << [ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label]

headings = ["text", "start", "end", "label"]
table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
print table


text start end label
任天堂 0 3 ORG
1983年 4 9 DATE
ファミコン 10 15 PRODUCT
14,800円 16 23 MONEY

Checking availability of word vectors

spaCy: Word vectors and similarity

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_lg")
doc = nlp.read("dog cat banana afskfsd")

rows = []

doc.each do |token|
  rows << [token.text, token.has_vector, token.vector_norm, token.is_oov]

headings = ["text", "has_vector", "vector_norm", "is_oov"]
table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


text has_vector vector_norm is_oov
dog true 7.0336733 false
cat true 6.6808186 false
banana true 6.700014 false
afskfsd false 0.0 true

Similarity calculation

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_lg")
doc1 = nlp.read("I like salty fries and hamburgers.")
doc2 = nlp.read("Fast food tastes very good.")

puts "Doc 1: " + doc1.text
puts "Doc 2: " + doc2.text
puts "Similarity: #{doc1.similarity(doc2)}"


Doc 1: I like salty fries and hamburgers.
Doc 2: Fast food tastes very good.
Similarity: 0.7687607012190486

Similarity calculation (Japanese)

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("ja_core_news_lg")
ja_doc1 = nlp.read("今日は雨ばっかり降って、嫌な天気ですね。")
puts "doc1: #{ja_doc1.text}"
ja_doc2 = nlp.read("あいにくの悪天候で残念です。")
puts "doc2: #{ja_doc2.text}"
puts "Similarity: #{ja_doc1.similarity(ja_doc2)}"


doc1: 今日は雨ばっかり降って、嫌な天気ですね。
doc2: あいにくの悪天候で残念です。
Similarity: 0.8684192637149641

Word vector calculation

Tokyo - Japan + France = Paris ?

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_lg")

tokyo = nlp.get_lexeme("Tokyo")
japan = nlp.get_lexeme("Japan")
france = nlp.get_lexeme("France")

query = tokyo.vector - japan.vector + france.vector

headings = ["rank", "text", "score"]
rows = []

results = nlp.most_similar(query, 10)
results.each_with_index do |lexeme, i|
  index = (i + 1).to_s
  rows << [index, lexeme.text, lexeme.score]

table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


rank text score
1 FRANCE 0.8346999883651733
2 France 0.8346999883651733
3 france 0.8346999883651733
4 PARIS 0.7703999876976013
5 paris 0.7703999876976013
6 Paris 0.7703999876976013
7 TOULOUSE 0.6381999850273132
8 Toulouse 0.6381999850273132
9 toulouse 0.6381999850273132
10 marseille 0.6370999813079834

Word vector calculation (Japanese)

東京 - 日本 + フランス = パリ ?

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"
require "terminal-table"

nlp = Spacy::Language.new("ja_core_news_lg")

tokyo = nlp.get_lexeme("東京")
japan = nlp.get_lexeme("日本")
france = nlp.get_lexeme("フランス")

query = tokyo.vector - japan.vector + france.vector

headings = ["rank", "text", "score"]
rows = []

results = nlp.most_similar(query, 10)
results.each_with_index do |lexeme, i|
  index = (i + 1).to_s
  rows << [index, lexeme.text, lexeme.score]

table = Terminal::Table.new rows: rows, headings: headings
puts table


rank text score
1 パリ 0.7376999855041504
2 フランス 0.7221999764442444
3 東京 0.6697999835014343
4 ストラスブール 0.631600022315979
5 リヨン 0.5939000248908997
6 Paris 0.574400007724762
7 ベルギー 0.5683000087738037
8 ニース 0.5679000020027161
9 アルザス 0.5644999742507935
10 南仏 0.5547999739646912

OpenAI API Integration

Easily leverage GPT models within ruby-spacy by using an OpenAI API key. When constructing prompts for the Doc::openai_query method, you can incorporate various token properties from the document. These properties are retrieved through function calls and seamlessly integrated into your prompt (gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 or greater is needed). The available properties include:

  • surface
  • lemma
  • tag
  • pos (part of speech)
  • dep (dependency)
  • ent_type (entity type)
  • morphology

GPT Prompting 1

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

api_key = ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("The Beatles released 12 studio albums")

# default parameter values
# max_tokens: 1000
# temperature: 0.7
# model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613"
res1 = doc.openai_query(
  access_token: api_key,
  prompt: "Translate the text to Japanese."
puts res1



GPT Prompting 2

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

api_key = ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960.")

res = doc.openai_query(
  access_token: api_key,
  prompt: "Extract the topic of the document and list 10 entities (names, concepts, locations, etc.) that are relevant to the topic."


Topic: The Beatles


  1. The Beatles (band)
  2. English (nationality)
  3. Rock band
  4. Liverpool (city)
  5. 1960 (year)
  6. John Lennon (member)
  7. Paul McCartney (member)
  8. George Harrison (member)
  9. Ringo Starr (member)
  10. Music

GPT Prompting 3

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

api_key = ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")

res = doc.openai_query(
  access_token: api_key,
  model: "gpt-4",
  prompt: "Generate a tree diagram from the text in the following style: [S [NP [Det the] [N cat]] [VP [V sat] [PP [P on] [NP the mat]]]"
puts res


    [Det The]
    [N Beatles]
    [V released]
      [Num 12]
        [N studio]
        [N albums]

GPT Text Completion

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

api_key = ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("Vladimir Nabokov was a")

# default parameter values
# max_tokens: 1000
# temperature: 0.7
# model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613"
res = doc.openai_completion(access_token: api_key)
puts res


Russian-American novelist and lepidopterist. He was born in 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia, and later emigrated to the United States in 1940. Nabokov is best known for his novel "Lolita," which was published in 1955 and caused much controversy due to its controversial subject matter. Throughout his career, Nabokov wrote many other notable works, including "Pale Fire" and "Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle." In addition to his writing, Nabokov was also a passionate butterfly collector and taxonomist, publishing several scientific papers on the subject. He passed away in 1977, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.

Text Embeddings

Ruby code:

require "ruby-spacy"

api_key = ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
nlp = Spacy::Language.new("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp.read("Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-American novelist, poet, translator and entomologist.")

# default model: text-embedding-ada-002
res = doc.openai_embeddings(access_token: api_key)

puts res




Yoichiro Hasebe [[email protected]]


I would like to thank the following open source projects and their creators for making this project possible:


This library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.