Imaginary Ruby

Minimalist ruby gem which is programmatic stream capable interface for imaginary server.

Supports multiple image operations such as resize, crop, zoom, watermark, rotate... and both local and remote URL based image source processing.


gem install ruby_imaginary

or add the line below to your Gemfile

gem 'ruby_imaginary'


You need to set the imaginary server address like this.

Imaginary.configure do |config|
  # You could set it directly or getting it from ENV variables
  config.server = 'http://localhost:9000/'

Also for rails application you could create an initializer at config/initializers/imaginary.rb


  • Resize
  • Enlarge
  • Crop
  • SmartCrop (based on libvips built-in algorithm)
  • Rotate (with auto-rotate based on EXIF orientation)
  • Flip (with auto-flip based on EXIF metadata)
  • Flop
  • Zoom
  • Thumbnail
  • Fit
  • Blur
  • Watermark (customizable by text)
  • WatermarkImage

All the options are as same as the imaginary server documentation.

How to Use

Each of the operation above has a class under Imaginary module which accepts a hash for initializing.

options = {
  file: './images/1.jpg',
  text: 'MyBrand',
operation =

result = operation.result

File.write('result.jpg', result)

Also before running the operation you could user the valid? method to make sure all the options are correct for this operation and avoid any failures.
