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RubyJob is a framework for running jobs.

The current version behaves much like Sucker Punch, in that it only supports an In-Memory Job Store implemented through a fast Fibonacci Heap.

The initial version, which supports only a single queue, runs 200% faster than Sucker Punch, capable of processing 1,000,000 simple jobs in 28 seconds vs. Sucker Punch's 59 seconds (measured on a MacBook Pro 2.3GHz with 16GB of RAM).

Additional features are in the works, including:

  • Support for multiple queues & queue priorities
  • Persistent Job Stores for:
    • Redis
    • Cassandra
  • Batches & Job nesting


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby_job'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ruby_job


A simple example

Define your worker class

class MyWorker
  include RubyJob::Worker

  def perform
    #job code goes here

Setup your JobStore

MyWorker.jobstore =

Run your server

server = 10, jobstore: MyWorker.jobstore)
server_thread = server.start

Setting up the default JobStore

Jobs are enqueued to the default JobStore of the worker class:

MyWorker.jobstore = # attach the JobStore to the MyWorker class

If the worker class doesn't have a JobStore attached to it, jobs will be enqueued to Worker.jobstore.

Worker.jobstore = # jobs will be queued here, if MyWorker doesn't have `jobstore` set.

Enqueuing jobs

There are 2 ways you can enqueue your jobs:

MyWorker.jobstore =
MyWorker.perform_async # will enqueue on `MyWorker.jobstore`, or `Worker.jobstore` if the former isn't set.

Note: you must ensure either MyWorker.jobstore or Worker.jobstore is set to a valid JobStore.

Using Job#enqueue

MyWorker.jobstore =
job = 'MyWorker', args: [], start_at:

Dequeuing jobs

In some situations, it's important to remove a previously enqueued job from the queue, so that it does not run in the future. To do so:


Job arguments

Your Job class' #perform method signature is:

  def perform(*args)

When you invoke #perform_async (or similar methods), the arguments passed in will get sent to #perform.

For example, MyWorker.perform_async(1, 'hello world!', x: 7) will end up calling perform(1, 'hello world!', x: 7) when the job runs.

Note: Whether and how the arguments are serialized depends on the JobStore being used. RubyJob::InMemoryJobStore, the only JobStore currently shipped out of the box with this gem, has no need to serialize the arguments, given that everything runs in a single operating system process. However, keep in mind that the Job class, which is used to represent instances of jobs to run, defines methods #to_json and .json_create(hash) which use JSON.dump and JSON.parse, respectively, to marshall the arguments. If you're going to implement your own JobStore, feel free to avail yourself of these methods.

Pro Tip: In order to ensure your job code is portable across different JobStore implementations (e.g. in case at some point you think you'll need a persistent backing store such as Redis or Cassandra to keep track of your mission critical jobs), ensure the arguments you pass serialize and deserialize as you'd expect.

Schedule a Job for execution (asynchronously)

Note: Jobs are scheduled to nearest millisecond of the specified start time.

Immediately (ASAP)

MyWorker.perform_async # schedule to run asynchonously, asap


MyWorker.perform_in(5.5) # schedule to run asynchonously, in 5.5 seconds

At a specific time

MyWorker.perform_at(a_particular_time) # schedule to run asynchonously, at the specified time

Executing a Job immediately (synchronously)

MyWorker.perform # run the job synchronously now

Threaded Server (the job processor)

A threaded server is provided to process the queued jobs. It is instantiated by specifying the number of workers (threads) to spawn, and the JobStore it will be processing.

server = 10, jobstore: MyWorker.jobstore)

Server options

server.set(wait: true, wait_delay: 0.5)
  • wait[boolean]: determines whether the server should wait or exit when there aren't any processable jobs in the queue. Defaults to true.
  • wait_delay[float]: if the server is going to wait, the number of seconds to delay before looking for jobs again. Defaults to 0.5.

Note: The wait/wait_delay parameters apply independently to each worker thread.

Starting the server

Queued jobs will only run when a Server, attached to the JobStore the jobs have been enqueued to, has been started.

server_thread = server.start
server_thread.join # if needed, depending on your use case

Halting the server

A running server can be halted as follows:

server.halt_at( + 5)
server.halt # equivalent to halt_at(

Halting causes the server to stop processing jobs scheduled to start after the specified halt time. Once the halt time has been reached, the server waits if the wait option is true, or exits otherwise.

Halting the server can be useful in production, when you want to temporarily pause job processing.

Resuming the server

A halted server can be resumed with:

server.resume_until( + 5) # equivalent to: resume && halt_at( + 5)

With resume, the server picks up jobs from where it left off and keeps processing them as if it never stopped. Note that a server that's been halted for a significant amount of time will pick up old jobs that may have been intended to start significantly in the past, so ensure you take that into account in your job processing code if you care about this situation.


By default, jobs that raise errors will be not be retried by default. To have jobs retry, the worker class must define a retry? method that returns a tuple indicating whether the job should be retried, and how long the retry delay should be: [do_retry, retry_delay]


  def retry?(attempt:, error:)
    # determine whether a retry is required, based on the attempt number and error passed in
    do_retry = error.is_a?(MyRetriableError) && (attempt < MAX_RETRIES)

    [do_retry, INITIAL_RETRY_DELAY * 2**(attempt-1)] # exponential backoff

attempt starts at 1 and error is the exception that was raised by the last attempt.

Note: the current implementation uses sleep to implement the retry delay. This isn't ideal, as it prevents the thread processing the job from servicing another job that's ready to run. In the future, this will be changed such that the job is put back onto the job queue to start at a later time. Feel free to put together a PR if you're interested in seeing this change sooner rather than later.

Note: the retry delay is the time between the end of the last attempt and the start of the new attempt


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (LGPLv3).

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the RubyJob project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.