The primary goal of the Rubyfb project is to provide Firebird connectivity for the Ruby on Rails environment (active record adapter for Firebird database).
The project consists of two parts - the Rubyfb library it self and the adapter code. While the primary goal is the Firebird support in RoR, the Rubyfb library is kept separated, allowing standalone use and has no RoR dependencies.
Rubyfb library is a fork of the apparently abandoned FireRuby project.
Nothing is perfect so this section outlines those issues that are known to exist as of this release.
The service manager functionality does not appear to work on the Mac OS X platform. I don’t believe that this is a problem in the Rubyfb code as I have tested the Firebird gbak utility with the -service option and it gives the same result. If anyone knows this to be untrue or of a work around let me know.
The library currently does not support array columns. This may be implemented for a later release depending on demand. No-one has asked for this so far so I’m starting to think that people don’t make much use of array columns.
The library can be a bit touchy if you don’t clean up after yourself. This can result in a segmentation violation whenever your program stops if you’ve left a ResultSet or Statement object unclosed. Check through your code to insure that this isn’t the case before contacting me about problems in this line.
The unit tests are currently set up on the assumption that the password for your sysdba account is ‘masterkey’. If this is not the case, or if you wish to use an alternative user for testing, edit the TestSetup.rb file in the unit test directory and update the entries there as appropriate. I should also note that you may need to alter permissions on the test directory to run the actual unit tests on Linux/Unix.
Credit Where Credit Is Due
Over its lifetime the FireRuby library has benefited from input provided by a number of individuals. This section acknowledges these inputs…
Ken Kunz: Ken has been a strong supporter of the library from early on and has contributed through feedback, testing and suggestions. For some time he produced and tested the Linux builds of the library.
David Walthour: David basically executed all of the work to generate the 64 bit version of the library, along the way exposing some flaws in the code (amazing what a bit of peer review can find!). David produced the 64 bit version of the library gem.
John Wood: John currently builds and tests the Mac OS X version of the library.
Art Federov: Art provided input on handling and testing character sets.
The library is provided as a gem for use with Ruby 1.8+. Testing against an earlier release of Ruby has not been performed. Installation requires the Ruby Gems package to be installed. Assuming that these installation criteria have been met the library can be installed by executing a command such as the following…
gem install rubyfb
On Linux/Mac OS X platforms you may require super user privilege if your Ruby is installed to the default location (i.e. /usr/local/lib). In this case you can use the sudo command to make the installation like this…
sudo gem install rubyfb
Ruby on Rails usage
In your database.yml set
adapter: rubyfb
See RubyfbAdapter documentation for supported options.
Stand alone usage
This section will provide some examples of usage for the the Rubyfb classes. Throughout the code the following set of assumptions are made.
The user name and password that will be employed to attach to the database are ‘sysdba’ and ‘masterkey’ respectively (the Firebird defaults).
The databases attached to will all be local (i.e. they will all reside on the same machine) as the test code.
A database, from the Firebird perspective, is made up of one or more files. From a Rubyfb perspective a user interaction with a database starts through the Database class. This class provides facilities that allow for creating, dropping and connecting to database instances. For example, to obtain a connection to a database you would use something like the following…
require 'rubygems'
require 'rubyfb'
include Rubyfb
db = Database.new('./test.fdb')
c = db.connect('sysdba', 'masterkey')
This example starts by requiring the necessary files and including the Rubyfb module locally - later examples will not detail these lines but they are always required to use the Rubyfb code.
The first line of code after the include creates a new database object. This process does not actually create the database file (see the Database#create method API documentation if that is what you want to do), it simple creates an abstract reference to a database. In creating the Database object we had to provide a database specification string which identifies the database we want to access. In this case we are specifying a database in the current working directory called ‘test.fdb’. See the Firebird documentation for details on the structure of more complex database specifications.
The last line of code in the example given above opens a connection to the database. In doing this we had to provide two parameters, the database user name and password. These are required to gain access to the database.
A connection represents a conduit to a database and obtaining a connection is a prerequisite to working with the database. The Rubyfb library support having multiple connections, to one or more databases, using one or more users, active simultaneously. Rubyfb represents a database connection through objects of the Connection class. This class provides functionality to determine the current state a database connection (open or closed) and for closing the connection. Connections take up resources, both locally and on the database server and should be explicitly closed when they are no longer required.
The connection class also provides a set of conveniences methods to allow for the execution of SQL against a database. These methods, execute_immediate and execute, representing two slightly different approaches to executing SQL against the database. Refer to the API documentation for more information.
An advantage of using a relational database management system like Firebird is that it provides transactions. A transaction represents a block of work that is either all completed successful or none of it is applied. From the perspective of the database this means that a series of steps that make changes to the tables in the database can be wrapped in a transaction to insure that they either all complete or that none of the changes are applied.
The Rubyfb library represents a database transaction through instances of the Transaction class. There are two ways of obtaining a Transaction using the library, both requiring you to have an open database connection. The first way is to construct a new Transaction object like so…
tx = Transaction.new(connection)
The Transaction constructor takes a single parameter which must be either a Connection object or an array of Connection objects. If you pass an array of Connection objects to this constructor then the Transaction created will apply across all of the databases that the connections refer to, allowing you to have transactional control of work that must utilize more than one database. The second way to obtain a transaction is to simply request one from a Connection object, like so.
tx = connection.start_transaction
In this case the transaction will only ever apply to one database, the one that the connection relates to. This method also accepts a block, taking a single parameter. The parameter passed to the block will be the transaction created. In this case the lifetime of the transaction is delimited by the block. If the block completes successfully then the work of the transaction will be committed to the database. If the block raises an exception then the transactional work will be rolled back.
When the block of work associated with a transaction is complete the user must instruct the system to either apply the changes implemented by the work or to discard them. This can be done by calling the commit or rollback methods of the Transaction class respectively. Once a transaction has been committed or rolled back it can no longer be used and should be discarded. Note that attempts to close a connection that has an active transaction against it will fail, so one of the commit or rollback methods should be explicitly called in code. The block technique detailed above helps protect against the failure to do this and is a useful technique.
The Transaction object provides a number of other informational and utility methods. Check the API documentation for this class for more information.
So we’ve looked at connections and transactions, but how do we actually do something practical with the database. Well there are a number of possible approaches that we can take to this. Both the Connection and Transaction classes have convenience method for the execution of SQL statements and these are useful for quick SQL. Where you want something that you can repeatedly reuse and, optionally, pass parameters to then you need the Statement class.
The Statement class represents a SQL statement that has been validated and prepared for execution. Here’s an example of creating a SQL statement…
s = connection.create_statement('SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE')
In this example we have created a Statement object that wraps a SQL select from a table called MY_TABLE.
Now that we have our Statement how do we use it? Well, the answer is that we call one of the Statement objects exec* methods. The one to be called depends on whether we want Rubyfb library to take care of the Statement object clean up (i.e. - auto clean up):
exec_and_close() - will perform the SQL execution and will close the
Statement object when it's appropriate.
exec() - will perform just the SQL execution and will leave the responsibility
of closing the Statement object to the user.
The exec*() methods take two optional arguments:
parameters - an array of values for the statement parameters,
this parameter can be nil for statements that don't have parameters.
Parametrized statements look like this 'SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE MYID = ?'.
Note that the SQL select contains a '?'. This is a position
holder for a value that the statement expects to be provided later. A Statement
that wraps such a piece of SQL must be provided with the necessary parameters
to execute properly.
transaction - the transaction that defines the scope of the execution,
if this parameter is nil - the statement is execute in its own transaction.
The exec*() methods for the Statement class, as with all of the execute methods for the Rubyfb library, have three potential return values. They will either return an Integer, a ResultSet object or nil. A ResultSet object will only be returned for SQL statements that generate output values (like ‘select …’, ‘select for update …’, ‘insert .. returning’, ‘execute procedure …’), irrespective of whether that query returns any data. For insert, update, and delete SQL statements that don’t generate output values the exec*()/execute() methods will return a count of the number of rows affected by the statement execution. For any other SQL statements the return value is nil.
A ResultSet object represents a handle by which the data retrieved for a SQL query can be accessed. The ResultSet objects are obtained from one of the exec*()/execute() methods on the Connection, Transaction or Statement objects. Once we have obtained a ResultSet we can extract the rows of data for a query from it. To fetch a row of data from a ResultSet object you call the fetch method, like the following…
row = r.fetch
This fetches a single row of data for a query represented as a Row object (which will be covered shortly). The ResultSet class also provides for iteration across the contents of a result set by providing an each method. The block to the each method will be passed the data for the ResultSet, a row at a time.
It should be noted that both the Statement and ResultSet objects hold resources while they are active. They both possess close methods and these should be explicitly called to release the associated resources. The exception to this are Statement objects with exec_and_close() called - in this case the statement objects are managed internally.
Okay, so you’ve gotten a row of data in the form of a Row object from your ResultSet, how do we get the data out of it? Well, there are a number of ways of doing this. You can treat the Row object like an array and dereference the columns of data within the row like this…
value = row[1]
The index specified to the array dereference operator specifies the column that you want the data for. Column indices start at 0. Alternatively you can treat the Row object like a read only Hash object and use the column name to access the data, like this…
value = row['MYID']
This is beneficial as it frees you from the constraint of knowing the ordering of the columns within the row. For more information of the Row class please consult the API documentation.
That covers the bulk of the SQL classes provided by the Rubyfb library. The two which haven’t been touched upon are the Generator class and the Blob class.
The Generator class is a wrapper around the Firebird generator facility. A generator, also known as a sequence, provides a means of creating a list of numeric values in a way that is guaranteed to be thread and process safe. Used properly generators can be employed to create unique sequences that make perfect table keys. Consult the API documentation for more details on the Generator class.
The Blob class is returned as part of the Row object data obtained from a ResultSet. The class wraps the concept of a binary large object stored in the database. Consult the API documentation for further information.
Whenever a problem occurs within a Rubyfb library class then it is likely that a FireRubyException will be thrown. The FireRubyException class is the error class used by the Rubyfb library whenever it hits trouble. The class provides a means of finding out a little more about what exactly has gone wrong. Again, consult the API documentation for more details.
Firebird Service Manager
The Rubyfb library provides a set of class that provide for an interaction with the Firebird service manager. This interaction allows for the execution of tasks, such as the backing up of a database, on the database server. To execute such tasks against the service manager for a Firebird instance you first need to obtain a ServiceManager class instance. This can be done as follows…
sm = ServiceManager.new('localhost')
The constructor for the ServiceManager class takes a single parameter that is the host name of the server running the Firebird instance. In the example above this would be a local machine but could be any machine that can be reached over the network (NOTE: although Firebird supports a number of underlying transport protocols in accessing a service manager currently only TCP/IP is supported for the Rubyfb library).
The next step in executing service manager tasks involves connecting your ServiceManager object to the service manager for a Firebird instance. To do this you must supply a user name and password. The user name and password used must be a user that exists on the Firebird instance. The user you connect as can affect the access to services that you receive. For example, to connect as the database administrator you might do the following…
sm.connect('sysdba', 'masterkey')
Assuming that this succeeds you are now ready to execute tasks through your ServiceManager object. Within the Rubyfb library individual task are broken out into separate classes. For this release (0.4.1) there are four task classes provided in the library - Backup, Restore, AddUser and RemoveUser. I think the class names are relatively self explanatory but if you want more information consult the API documentation for a class.
To use the task classes you construct a class instance, configure it as you may need and then execute it. Here’s an example of going through this procedure to create a database backup…
b = Backup.new('c:\database\work.fdb', 'c:\temp\work.bak')
b. = true
The first list creates the new Backup object. The first parameter passed to this call is the path and name of the primary file of the database to be backed up (NOTE: All paths are relative to the database server). The second parameter is the path and name of the database backup file to be created. The second line sets an attribute on the class to indicate that only the metadata (i.e. it’s schema but not it’s data) for the specified database should be included in the backup. The final line begins the execution of the backup task on the database server. This will block until completion.
Its also possible to execute a batch of tasks against a service manager. To do this you would accumulate the tasks to be executed and then pass them all at the same time to the ServiceManager#execute method, like so…
t = Array.new
t.push(Backup.new('c:\database\work.fdb', 'c:\temp\work.bak'))
# Create more tasks here and add them to the array.
The tasks will be executed in the order they are specified to the ServiceManager object. For the example above this would mean in the order they were added to the array. For more details on the ServiceManager class and the various task classes please consult the API documentation.