Rubygems Mini Mirror
This gem aims at providing a way to mirror only some gems you want from rubygems.
Create a minigems file
# minigems
source :gemcutter
gem 'rails', ['~> 1.2.0','>= 3.0']
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', ['= 2.3.11'], :source => ''
# You can also provide a resource file which provide a list of gems
# The filetype is guessed by the extension of the file and can be overriden.
# :type option can be :yaml, :ruby
resource :path => '/Users/hallelujah/repos/mini_gems.yml', :type => 'yaml'
The princips
This nice DSL is mainly inspired by Bundler, so it should be familiar to you.
# Fetching rails with version 1.2.3 and 2.3.5 with runtime and development dependencies
# By default development dependencies are not fetched
# *WARNING* fetching dependencies may be a slow process !! Use it with caution.
gem 'rails', ['= 1.2.3', '2.3.5'], :development => true
# If you just want to fetch development dependencies for 1.2.3 version, you need separated definitions :
gem 'rails', ['= 1.2.3', '2.3.5'], :development => true
gem 'rails', ['2.3.5']
# To add another resource file :
resource :path => 'development_gems.yml'
Building your own resource handler is also easy
# You can build your own resource handler :
# my_resource_handler.rb
require 'mysql'
require 'activerecord'
class MyResourceHandler
# db_gems table structure
# name: string
# requirements: text
# sources: text
# development: boolean
class DbGem < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :sources, Array
serialize :requirements, Array
include Gem::MiniMirror::Resource
register :type => 'activerecord', :ext => ['.mysql']
def initialize(runner, )
@config = YAML.load_file(@path).with_indifferent_access
DbGem.establish_connection @config[:db]
def load!
DbGem.all.each do |g|
gem, g.requirements, :source => g.sources, :development => g.development?
# database.yml
sources: :gemcutter
adapter: mysql
database: mini_mirror
host: localhost
username: root
# Usage :
require 'rubygems/mini_mirror'
require 'my_resource_handler' :path => 'database.yml', :type => 'activerecord'
By gem command
It provides a gem command
gem install rubygems-mini_mirror
gem mini_mirror help
gem mini_mirror -c your_gems_resource.rb -p 5 -m /home/mirrors/rubygems
# Generate index
gem generate_index --directory=/home/mirrors/rubygems --modern
Thank for the rubygems team for their work on rubygems-mirror which inspired a lot this gem. Some parts of code of this gem are copied from rubygems-mirror gem.
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2011 Ramihajamalala Hery. See LICENSE for details