Rubysol Contracts

rubysol-contracts - standard contracts (incl. erc20, erc721, etc) for ruby for layer 1 (l1) with "off-chain" indexer

What's Solidity?! What's Rubidity?! What's Rubysol?!

See Solidity - Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) Specification »

See Rubidity - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer »

See Rubysol - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer »


Let's try the PublicMintERC20 contract...

Show Source [contracts/public_mint_erc20.rb](lib/rubysol/contracts/public_mint_erc20.rb): ```ruby class PublicMintERC20 < ERC20 storage maxSupply: UInt, perMintLimit: UInt sig [String, String, UInt, UInt, UInt] def constructor( name:, symbol:, maxSupply:, perMintLimit:, decimals: ) super( name: name, symbol: symbol, decimals: decimals) @maxSupply = maxSupply @perMintLimit = perMintLimit end sig [UInt] def mint( amount: ) assert(amount > 0, 'Amount must be positive') assert(amount <= @perMintLimit, 'Exceeded mint limit') assert( @totalSupply + amount <= @maxSupply, 'Exceeded max supply') _mint(to: msg.sender, amount: amount) end sig [Address, UInt] def airdrop( to:, amount: ) assert(amount > 0, 'Amount must be positive') assert(amount <= @perMintLimit, 'Exceeded mint limit') assert(@totalSupply + amount <= @maxSupply, 'Exceeded max supply') _mint(to: to, amount: amount) end end ```

that builds on the ERC20 (base) contract.

Show Source [contracts/erc20.rb](lib/rubysol/contracts/erc20.rb): ```ruby class ERC20 < Contract event :Transfer, from: Address, to: Address, amount: UInt event :Approval, owner: Address, spender: Address, amount: UInt storage name: String, symbol: String, decimals: UInt, totalSupply: UInt, balanceOf: mapping( Address, UInt ), allowance: mapping( Address, mapping( Address, UInt )) sig [String, String, UInt] def constructor(name:, symbol:, decimals:) @name = name @symbol = symbol @decimals = decimals end sig [Address, UInt], returns: Bool def approve( spender:, amount: ) @allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount log Approval, owner: msg.sender, spender: spender, amount: amount true end sig [Address, UInt], returns: Bool def decreaseAllowanceUntilZero( spender:, difference: ) allowed = @allowance[msg.sender][spender] newAllowed = allowed > difference ? allowed - difference : 0 approve(spender: spender, amount: newAllowed) true end sig [Address, UInt], returns: Bool def transfer( to:, amount: ) assert @balanceOf[msg.sender] >= amount, 'Insufficient balance' @balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount @balanceOf[to] += amount log Transfer, from: msg.sender, to: to, amount: amount true end sig [Address, Address, UInt], returns: Bool def transferFrom( from:, to:, amount:) allowed = @allowance[from][msg.sender] assert @balanceOf[from] >= amount, 'Insufficient balance' assert allowed >= amount, 'Insufficient allowance' @allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowed - amount @balanceOf[from] -= amount @balanceOf[to] += amount log Transfer, from: from, to: to, amount: amount true end sig [Address, UInt] def _mint( to:, amount: ) @totalSupply += amount @balanceOf[to] += amount log Transfer, from: address(0), to: to, amount: amount end sig [Address, UInt] def _burn( from:, amount: ) @balanceOf[from] -= amount @totalSupply -= amount log Transfer, from: from, to: address(0), amount: amount end end ```

Let's go.

require 'rubysol/contracts'

contract = PublicMintERC20.construct(
    name: 'My Fun Token',  # String,
    symbol: 'FUN',         # String,
    maxSupply:  21000000,  #  UInt,
    perMintLimit: 1000,    #  UInt,
    decimals:     18,      #  UInt

# {:name=>"My Fun Token",
#   :symbol=>"FUN",
#   :decimals=>18,
#   :totalSupply=>0,
#   :balanceOf=>{},
#   :allowance=>{},
#   :maxSupply=>21000000,
# :perMintLimit=>1000}

alice   = '0x'+'a'*40 # e.g. '0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
bob     = '0x'+'b'*40 # e.g. '0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'
charlie = '0x'+'c'*40 # e.g. '0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'

#  sig [UInt]
#  def mint( amount: )
contract.msg.sender = alice 100 ) 200 )

contract.msg.sender = bob 300 ) 400 )

#  sig [Address, UInt]
#  def airdrop( to:, amount: ) 
contract.airdrop( alice, 500 )
contract.airdrop( charlie, 600  )

# {:name=>"My Fun Token",
#  :symbol=>"FUN",
#  :decimals=>18,
#  :totalSupply=>2100,
#  :balanceOf=>
#  {"0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"=>800,
#   "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"=>700,
#   "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"=>600},
# :allowance=>{},
# :maxSupply=>21000000,
# :perMintLimit=>1000}

#  sig [Address, UInt],  returns: Bool
#  def transfer( to:, amount: )
contract.transfer( alice, 1  )
contract.transfer( charlie, 2  )

#  sig [Address, UInt], returns: Bool
#  def approve( spender:, amount: ) 
contract.approve( alice, 11 )
contract.approve( charlie, 22 )

# sig [Address, Address, UInt], returns: Bool
# def transferFrom( from:, to:, amount:)
contract.msg.sender = alice

contract.approve( bob, 33 )

contract.transferFrom( bob, charlie, 3 )
contract.transferFrom( bob, alice, 4 )

# {:name=>"My Fun Token",
#  :symbol=>"FUN",
#  :decimals=>18,
#  :totalSupply=>2100,
#  :balanceOf=> 
#  {"0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"=>805,
#   "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"=>690,
#   "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"=>605},
#  :allowance=>
#  {"0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"=> {
#      "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"=>4, 
#      "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"=>22},
#   "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"=> {
#      "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"=>33}},
# :maxSupply=>21000000,
# :perMintLimit=>1000}

And so on. That's it for now.

Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby

See /blockchain at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.

Questions? Comments?

Join us in the Rubidity & Rubysol (community) discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commentary welcome.

Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.