Generate and deploy Rusic themes with ease.
This allows you to:
- Create a set of theme templates and assets
- Deploy those templates and assets to Rusic seamlessly
This mean you can develop themes on your local machine (using your editor of choice) and see the changes live on Rusic immediately.
- Ruby 1.9+
- Rubygems
$ gem install rusic
$ rusic
rusic help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
rusic new NAME # Create a new Rusic theme
rusic deploy [ENV] # Upload theme to Rusic
rusic settings # Display settings from a .rusic file
rusic version # Display version of Rusic gem
Generate new theme
$ rusic help new
rusic new NAME
Create a new Rusic theme
For example, to create a new theme called "competition-theme"
$ rusic new competition-theme
create competition-theme
create competition-theme/
create competition-theme/layouts
create competition-theme/layouts/subdomain.html.liquid
create competition-theme/ideas
create competition-theme/ideas/index.html.liquid
create competition-theme/ideas/new.html.liquid
create competition-theme/ideas/show.html.liquid
create competition-theme/ideas/edit.html.liquid
create competition-theme/pages
create competition-theme/pages/about.html.liquid
create competition-theme/assets
create competition-theme/assets/bootstrap.css
create competition-theme/assets/bootstrap.js
create competition-theme/assets/cover.css
create competition-theme/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
create competition-theme/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
create competition-theme/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
create competition-theme/assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
This will create a simple, bootstrapped theme
Deploy theme
$ rusic help deploy
rusic deploy [ENV]
[--api-host=API_HOST] # Default:
Upload theme to Rusic
To deploy the "competition-theme" above, we would do
$ cd competition-theme/
$ rusic deploy --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --theme YOUR_THEME_ID
Saved layouts/subdomain.html.liquid
Saved ideas/edit.html.liquid
Saved ideas/index.html.liquid
Saved ideas/new.html.liquid
Saved ideas/show.html.liquid
Saved pages/about.html.liquid
Saved assets/bootstrap.css
Saved assets/bootstrap.js
Saved assets/cover.css
Saved assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
Saved assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
Saved assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
Saved assets/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
Deploy on file changes
Use the --watch
flag to watch for changes on files and deploy them automatically
$ rusic deploy --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --theme YOUR_THEME_ID --watch
$ touch layouts/subdomain.html.liquid # in another process
Saved layouts/subdomain.html.liquid
Deploy using a .rusic
You can add a .rusic.yml
file to your project directory and set your environments
settings within this file. This file should be valid
YAML and looks like this -
api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
theme: 2
api_key: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
theme: 1
To deploy to production you need to run
$ rusic deploy production
This also works with --watch
$ rusic deploy production --watch
Custom Attributes
You can create and maintain your themes custom attributes by creating the
file in the root of your theme. Then declare your attributes like so:
value: "Custom attributes rule!!"
help_text: "Declare how much you admire custom attributes"
If the key does not exist it will be created, if the key already exists the
and help_text
will be updated. If you need to delete a custom attribute
you should do that from the theme settings page on Rusic.
MIT Licenced
Copyright © 2011–2014, Simpleweb Ltd.