
Ryespy provides a simple executable for listening to IMAP mailboxes or FTP folders, keeps track of what it's seen using Redis, and notifies Redis in a way in which Resque and Sidekiq can process using workers.

Ryespy was inspired by Redimap. Yes, it's sometimes possible to inspire oneself. Ryespy with my little eye.

More sleep lost by tiredpixel.


Install using:

$ gem install ryespy


View the available options:

$ bundle exec ryespy --help

It is necessary to choose a listener (IMAP|FTP) and a notifier (Sidekiq).

Check IMAP and queue new emails and quit:

$ bundle exec ryespy --listener imap --imap-host mail.example.com --imap-username a@example.com --imap-password helpimacarrot --notifier-sidekiq

Check FTP and queue new files and quit:

$ bundle exec ryespy --listener ftp --ftp-host ftp.example.com --ftp-username b@example.com --ftp-password helpimacucumber --notifier-sidekiq

IMAP SSL and FTP PASSIVE are also supported. It's also possible to watch more than one IMAP mailbox or FTP directory. The --help is most helpful.

Use --eternal to run eternally.

Growing Like Flowers

Coming soon is a grand refactor sprinkled with lots of testing, ensuring that present code is stable. Then, something or other else. Like a URL notifier. Or maybe more listeners. Stay tuned -- or better still, help with the tuning.


Contributions are embraced with much love and affection! Please fork the repository and wizard your magic, ensuring that any tests are not broken by the changes. Then send a pull request. Simples! If you'd like to discuss what you're doing or planning to do, or if you get stuck on something, then just wave. :)

Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :)

Tests are written using minitest, which is included by default in Ruby 1.9 onwards. To run all tests in a pretty way:

ruby -rminitest/pride test/ryespy.rb

Or, if you're of that turn of mind, use TURN (gem install turn):

turn test/ryespy.rb


May you find peace, and help others to do likewise.


© tiredpixel 2013. It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.