
A ruby gem for Safe-T Box REST API

Basic usage:

  • Install the gem

    gem install safe-t-rest
  • Require the gem

    require 'safe-t-rest'
  • Initialize a new instance (can be empty or set via parameters) empty:

    client =

    set using hash:

    client = 'https://Safe-T/ui_api/login.aspx', user_name: 'test', password: '123', extension_id: '1', role_id: '0')
  • Configure the client (if you initialized empty)

    client.url = ''
    client.username = 'test'
    client.password = '12345'
    client.extension_id = '435-34534-24-234-6'
    client.role_id = '00006'
  • Send requests

    puts client.get_apps_process_state('my_packge_GUID.123123')

puts client.get_package_file_list('my_packge_GUID.123123')

* Safe Share
args = {
    :files => 'file.txt', # name of file to share
    :recipients => '[email protected]', # Email address of the one you want to share with
    :sender_name => 'Bar Hofesh', 
    :sender_address => '[email protected]',
    :subject => 'Testing Ruby API', # Email Subject
    :message => 'This is a Test message, just checking the Ruby API using REST', # Email body message
    :message_encryption_level => '0', # 0 = high, 1 = normal, 2 = low
    :delivery_method => '0',
    :mobile_recipient => '',
    :return_receipt => true, # get back a notification when the file was downloaded
    :safe_reply => true, # send an safe reply invitation
    :max_downloads => '3', # maximum number of allowed downloads
    :package_expiry => '1440', # in minutes
    :folder_path => '', # empty means root folder
    :root_folder_id => '417' # My Storage ID

  • File Upload ```ruby args = { :file_base64 => 'V29ya2luZyA6KQo=', # the file as a base64 string Base64.encode64( :file_name => 'file.txt', # the name of the file :folder_path => '', # empty means root folder :root_folder_id => 417 # My Storage ID }


* File Download
args = {
    :file_name => 'file.txt', # The name of the file to download
    :folder_path => '', # The path of the file
    :root_folder_id => 417 # My Storage ID

file = client.file_download(args) # Get back the file as a base64 string
file = Base64.decode64(file) # decode the string
File.write('file.txt', file) # write decoded file
  • New API
    # RegisterSession - return json flow




    "flow": [
        "token": [
if there is no token element, SDA need to generate token.


Scenario 1

  • Login to portal: (https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx)

    • SDA will send a rest call with URL and add sType :
      https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx&sType=login json {"RoleID": "00006", "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804", "Username":"", "Password":"", "Method": "RegisterSession","Arguments": ["https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx&sType=login"]}
    • Return value:
      json { "flow": [ "username_password", "sms" ] }
  • Handle return value

    • on submit , call iVerifyUserAccount add the submitted user name and password in base64 arguments:
      first step : username_password - call iVerifyUserAccount (no need to call mobile - all against the same SDE Authentication app):
  "RoleID": "00006",
   "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804",
   "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount",
   "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true]
  Return value:  
     base64 string is  "05977777777"

- If its ok + number :   
   go to second step 
   else handle retries and captcha  
- if there is no number ? we need to ask alex\eithan.  

- second step : sms - send sms to the ClientMobileNumber and validate it  
   else handle retries and captcha

Scenario 2

Any other case : https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx?folderType=x&(query_string_params) (packages related url's ,safe reply,package view, registration)

  1. SDA will call RegisterSession with URL param:
  "RoleID": "00006",
   "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804",
   "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount",
   "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true]

Return value:

in case of registers users: StatusCode=OK&StatusData=

      "flow": [
      "token": [
  1. Handle return : ruby if flow is : "username_password", "sms"
  2. Handle return value
    • on submit , call iVerifyUserAccount add the submitted user name and password in base64 arguments:
      first step : username_password - call iVerifyUserAccount (no need to call mobile - all against the same SDE Authentication app): ```json { "RoleID": "00006", "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804", "Username":"", "Password":"", "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount", "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true] }

Return value:
OK:Q2xpZW50TW93NyI= base64 string is "05977777777"

- If its ok + number :   
   go to second step 
   else handle retries and captcha  
- if there is no number ? we need to ask alex\eithan.  

- second step : sms - send sms to the ClientMobileNumber and validate it  
   else handle retries and captcha


  • Added example client under /bin