Module: SAFT::V2::Types
- Includes:
- Strict
- Defined in:
- lib/saft/v2/types.rb,
This file contains the xml intermediate structure The node names are generated from the XSD located in ./vendor/SAF-T_Financial_Schema1.10.xsd. There are at least a couple of nodes which are ignored since it has the comment “Not in use.”. I don’t look at it as a bug since we don’t need then but we can implement when/if thay are ever needed.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ObjectStrutures, Relaxed, Sliced, Strict, Types
Constant Summary
Constants included from Strict
Strict::AddressType, Strict::ISOCountryCode, Strict::ISOCurrencyCode, Strict::SAFcodeType, Strict::SAFexchangerateType, Strict::SAFlongtextType, Strict::SAFmiddle1textType, Strict::SAFmiddle2textType, Strict::SAFmonetaryType, Strict::SAFquantityType, Strict::SAFshorttextType, Strict::SAFweightType