
SalesforceBulkClient is a Ruby gem which allows for integration with the Bulk API.

Although there are many other gems to choose from for this purpose, this gem offers the following features:

  • JSON is used for all API requests and responses (instead of XML) in order to reduce message size.
  • Splitting data into batches for inserts, updates, and deletes are handled automatically. Batches will be split further if the 10,000,000 character limit per batch would be exceeded.
  • Large sets of data can be processed without pre-loading multiple batches.
  • Connect using the Restforce client instance.


Add this line to Gemfile:

gem 'salesforce_bulk_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it as follows:

$ gem install salesforce_bulk_client


Instantiate the Bulk API Client

Authentication is done via the Restforce gem:

require 'salesforce_bulk_client'
restforce_client =
    username:       ENV['SALESFORCE_USERNAME'],
    password:       ENV['SALESFORCE_PASSWORD'],
    security_token: ENV['SALESFORCE_SECURITY_TOKEN'],
    client_secret:  ENV['SALESFORCE_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET'].to_i,
    host:           ENV['SALESFORCE_HOST'])
bulk_client =

Inserting records

records = [ { Name: 'Test Account 1' }, { Name: 'Test Account 2' } ]
result = bulk_client.insert(sobject, records)

Upserting records

records = [ { Id: '00136000014tyyF', Name: 'Test Account 1' }, { Name: 'Test Account 2' } ]
result = bulk_client.upsert(sobject, records, 'Id')

Updating records

records = [ { Id: '00136000014tyyF', Name: 'Test Account 1' }, { Id: '00136000014tyyP', Name: 'Test Account 2' } ]
result = bulk_client.update(sobject, records)

Deleting records

records = [ { Id: '00136000014tyyF' }, { Id: '00136000014tyyP' } ]
result = bulk_client.delete(sobject, records)

Query records

result = bulk_client.query('Account', "select Id, Name from Account where Id = '00136000014tyyF'", true)

Process batches without pre-loading

result = bulk_client.query('Account', "select Id, Name from Account where Id = '00136000014tyyF'", false)
bulk_client.job_from_id( do |batch, batch_results|
  # Add batch-level processing logic here


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at