SamplifyAPIClient - the Ruby gem for the Samplify API
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build samplify_api_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./samplify_api_client-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./samplify_api_client-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'samplify_api_client', '~> 1.0.0'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'samplify_api_client', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'samplify_api_client'
# Setup authorization
SamplifyAPIClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: jwt
config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
country_iso_code = 'country_iso_code_example' # String | Country ISO code
language_iso_code = 'language_iso_code_example' # String | Language ISO code
opts = {
id: 'id_example', # String | Only return attributes with the given id
limit: 10, # Integer | Maximum number of attributes to return
name: 'name_example', # String | Only return attributes with the given name
offset: 0, # Integer | The first zero-based offset attribute to return
sort: ['sort_example'], # Array<String> | Sort the attributes by the given key(s)
text: 'text_example' # String | Only return attributes with the given text
#list attributes
result = api_instance.attributes_list(country_iso_code, language_iso_code, opts)
p result
rescue SamplifyAPIClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AttributesApi->attributes_list: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SamplifyAPIClient::AttributesApi | attributes_list | GET /sample/v1/attributes/countryIsoCode/languageIsoCode | list attributes |
SamplifyAPIClient::AuthApi | auth_code | POST /auth/v1/token/code | code auth |
SamplifyAPIClient::AuthApi | auth_logout | POST /auth/v1/logout | logout auth |
SamplifyAPIClient::AuthApi | auth_password | POST /auth/v1/token/password | password auth |
SamplifyAPIClient::AuthApi | auth_refresh | POST /auth/v1/token/refresh | refresh auth |
SamplifyAPIClient::CategoriesApi | categories_list | GET /sample/v1/categories/surveyTopics | list categories |
SamplifyAPIClient::CountriesApi | countries_list | GET /sample/v1/countries | list countries |
SamplifyAPIClient::DefaultApi | swaggerswagger_json | GET /swagger.json | Download public/swagger/swagger.json |
SamplifyAPIClient::DefaultApi | swaggerswagger_yaml | GET /swagger.yaml | Download public/swagger/swagger.yaml |
SamplifyAPIClient::EventsApi | events_accept | POST /sample/v1/events/eventId/accept | accept events |
SamplifyAPIClient::EventsApi | events_get | GET /sample/v1/events/eventId | get events |
SamplifyAPIClient::EventsApi | events_list | GET /sample/v1/events | list events |
SamplifyAPIClient::EventsApi | events_reject | POST /sample/v1/events/eventId/reject | reject events |
SamplifyAPIClient::EventsApi | events_reprice | POST /sample/v1/events/lineItems/reprice | reprice events |
SamplifyAPIClient::FeasibilityApi | feasibility_show | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/feasibility | show feasibility |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_close | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems/extLineItemId/close | close lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_create | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems | create lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_get | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems/extLineItemId | get lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_launch | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems/extLineItemId/launch | launch lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_list_line_items | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems | listLineItems lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_pause | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems/extLineItemId/pause | pause lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemsApi | line_items_update | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/lineItems/extLineItemId | update lineItems |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_buy | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/buy | buy projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_close | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/close | close projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_create | POST /sample/v1/projects | create projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_get | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId | get projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_get_report | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/report | getReport projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_get_reports | GET /sample/v1/projects/report | getReports projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_get_survey_end_links | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/surveys/surveyId/links | getSurveyEndLinks projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_invoices | GET /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/invoices | invoices projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_list | GET /sample/v1/projects | list projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_reconcile | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId/reconcile | reconcile projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectsApi | projects_update | POST /sample/v1/projects/extProjectId | update projects |
SamplifyAPIClient::RespondentApi | respondent_entry | GET /respondent/entry | entry respondent |
SamplifyAPIClient::RespondentApi | respondent_exit | GET /respondent/exit | exit respondent |
SamplifyAPIClient::UsersApi | users_get_user_info | GET /sample/v1/users/info | getUserInfo users |
Documentation for Models
- SamplifyAPIClient::AppError
- SamplifyAPIClient::ApplicationItemData
- SamplifyAPIClient::AttributeData
- SamplifyAPIClient::AttributeOption
- SamplifyAPIClient::Attributes
- SamplifyAPIClient::AuthError
- SamplifyAPIClient::Author
- SamplifyAPIClient::BuyProject
- SamplifyAPIClient::BuyProjectItem
- SamplifyAPIClient::BuyProjectResponse
- SamplifyAPIClient::BuyProjectsPayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::Categories
- SamplifyAPIClient::CategoryData
- SamplifyAPIClient::CodePayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::Countries
- SamplifyAPIClient::CountryData
- SamplifyAPIClient::CreateLineItem
- SamplifyAPIClient::EndLinks
- SamplifyAPIClient::ErrorType
- SamplifyAPIClient::Event
- SamplifyAPIClient::EventData
- SamplifyAPIClient::EventListData
- SamplifyAPIClient::Events
- SamplifyAPIClient::ExclusionData
- SamplifyAPIClient::Feasibility
- SamplifyAPIClient::FeasibilityData
- SamplifyAPIClient::FeasibilityResponseData
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemActionResponse
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemData
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemItemData
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemReportData
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItemResponseData
- SamplifyAPIClient::LineItems
- SamplifyAPIClient::Links
- SamplifyAPIClient::LogoutPayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::Meta
- SamplifyAPIClient::Project
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectAction
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectActionResponse
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectCategoryData
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectItemData
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectReport
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectReportData
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectReports
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectResponse
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectResponseData
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectSurveyEndLinks
- SamplifyAPIClient::ProjectSurveyEndLinksData
- SamplifyAPIClient::Projects
- SamplifyAPIClient::QuotaCell
- SamplifyAPIClient::QuotaCellFeasibility
- SamplifyAPIClient::QuotaGroupData
- SamplifyAPIClient::QuotaGroupFeasibility
- SamplifyAPIClient::QuotaPlanData
- SamplifyAPIClient::Reconcile
- SamplifyAPIClient::ReconcileData
- SamplifyAPIClient::RefreshTokenPayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::Reprice
- SamplifyAPIClient::RepriceData
- SamplifyAPIClient::RepricePayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::Status
- SamplifyAPIClient::SupportedLanguage
- SamplifyAPIClient::SurveyEndLinks
- SamplifyAPIClient::SurveyTestId
- SamplifyAPIClient::SurveyTestLink
- SamplifyAPIClient::Target
- SamplifyAPIClient::TargetingAttribute
- SamplifyAPIClient::TokenMedia
- SamplifyAPIClient::TokenPayload
- SamplifyAPIClient::URLParam
- SamplifyAPIClient::UpdateLineItem
- SamplifyAPIClient::UpdateProjectData
- SamplifyAPIClient::UpdateProjectLineItem
- SamplifyAPIClient::UserInfo
- SamplifyAPIClient::UserInfoResponseData
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header