'info processor.transaction success' => 'The transaction was successful.',
'error processor.transaction declined' => 'The card was declined.',
'error processor.issuer call' => 'Call the card issuer for further instructions.',
'error processor.issuer unavailable' => 'The authorization did not respond within the alloted time.',
'error input.card_number invalid' => 'The card number was invalid.',
'error input.expiry_month invalid' => 'The expiration date month was invalid, or prior to today.',
'error input.expiry_year invalid' => 'The expiration date year was invalid, or prior to today.',
'error processor.pin invalid' => 'The PIN number is incorrect.',
'error input.amount invalid' => 'The transaction amount was invalid.',
'error processor.transaction declined_insufficient_funds' => 'The transaction was declined due to insufficient funds.',
'error processor.network_gateway merchant_invalid' => 'The Merchant Number is incorrect.',
'error input.merchant_login invalid' => 'The merchant ID is not valid or active.',
'error input.store_number invalid' => 'Invalid Store Number.',
'error processor.bank_info invalid' => 'Invalid banking information.',
'error processor.transaction not_allowed' => 'This transaction type is not allowed.',
'error processor.transaction type_invalid' => 'Requested transaction type is not allowed for this card/merchant.',
'error processor.transaction method_invalid' => 'The requested transaction could not be performed for this merchant.',
'error input.amount exceeds_limit' => 'The maximum transaction amount was exceeded.',
'error input.cvv invalid' => 'The CVV code was not correct.',
'error processor.network_gateway communication_error' => 'There was a fatal communication error.',
'error processor.network_gateway unresponsive' => 'The processing network is temporarily unavailable.',
'error processor.network_gateway merchant_invalid' => 'The merchant number is not on file.',
'info processor.avs_result_code 0' => 'No response.',
'info processor.avs_result_code Y' => 'The address and 5-digit ZIP match.',
'info processor.avs_result_code Z' => 'The 5-digit ZIP matches, the address does not.',
'info processor.avs_result_code X' => 'The address and 9-digit ZIP match.',
'info processor.avs_result_code A' => 'The address matches, the ZIP does not.',
'info processor.avs_result_code E' => 'There was an AVS error, or the data was illegible.',
'info processor.avs_result_code R' => 'The AVS request timed out.',
'info processor.avs_result_code S' => 'The issuer does not support AVS.',
'info processor.avs_result_code F' => 'The street addresses and postal codes match.',
'info processor.avs_result_code N' => 'The address and ZIP do not match.',
'error input.cvv declined' => 'The CVV code was not correct.',
'error input.card_number is_blank' => 'The card number was blank.',
'error input.card_number not_numeric' => 'The card number was invalid.',
'error input.card_number too_short' => 'The card number was too short.',
'error input.card_number too_long' => 'The card number was too long.',
'error input.card_number failed_checksum' => 'The card number was invalid.',
'error input.card_number is_invalid' => 'The card number was invalid.',
'error input.cvv is_blank' => 'The CVV was blank.',
'error input.cvv not_numeric' => 'The CVV was invalid.',
'error input.cvv too_short' => 'The CVV was too short.',
'error input.cvv too_long' => 'The CVV was too long.',
'error input.expiry_month is_blank' => 'The expiration month was blank.',
'error input.expiry_month not_numeric' => 'The expiration month was invalid.',
'error input.expiry_month is_invalid' => 'The expiration month was invalid.',
'error input.expiry_year is_blank' => 'The expiration year was blank.',
'error input.expiry_year not_numeric' => 'The expiration year was invalid.',
'error input.expiry_year is_invalid' => 'The expiration year was invalid.',