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Sanitize an SQL order clause that might be tainted. Includes a whitelist option to limit the available columns to sort by and translate the given column names to actual table_name.column_name pairs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sanitize_order'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sanitize_order


In your model, add

include SanitizeOrder

and in your controller safely set the order scope with



#sanitize_order(tainted_order, whitelist)

where tainted_order is in the form of:

column_name direction, column_name direction, ...

direction is optional and can be ASC or DESC and defaults to ASC if not given. Case is ignored.

For example:

country asc, start_date

A column name whitelist is used if given, otherwise columns are validated directly against the table column names. column_name may be in the form:




The whitelist is a hash of allowed input table columns and the matching actual table and column names. For example:

  'centre_id' => ''
  'enabled_at' => 'centre.enabled_date'
  'disabled_at' => 'centre.disabled_date'
  'features' => ''

The whitelist is assumed clean and correct so no checking is done on its contents.