SeaAroundUs API Wrapper

Ruby wrapper for the Sea Around Us API.

The Sea Around Us data are licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.
Please read the data use policy described in the DATA_USE file.

This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. See the LICENSE file for a full statement of the License.


$ gem install sau-ruby

Example usage

# include the helper library
require 'sau-ruby'

# get list of EEZs
eezs = SAU.get_regions('eez')

# get details for a single EEZ
brazil = eezs.get_by_title('Brazil (mainland)')

# alternative way without getting the region list
brazil = SAU.get_region_detail('eez', 76)

# using LMEs for the next example
lmes = SAU.get_regions('lme')

# sample set of parameters for catch data
catch_data_params = {
  measure: 'tonnage',
  dimension: 'taxon',
  sciname: true,
  limit: 10

# get catch data for a single LME
north_sea = lmes.get_by_title('North Sea')

# alternative way without getting the region list
north_sea.get_region_data('lme', 22, catch_data_params)

Available parameters


  • eez
  • lme
  • rfmo
  • fishing-entity


  • tonnage
  • value


  • taxon
  • commercialgroup
  • functionalgroup
  • country
  • sector
  • catchtype
  • reporting-status

Other catch data parameters:

  • limit (integer)
  • sciname (boolean)