
"Sbire" is the French word for henchman. Sbire is program which is capable to listen what you said and execute the command associated.


Linux :

sudo apt-get install sox notify-osd ruby1.9.1 xdotool
gem install sbire
sbire install


brew install sox
sudo port install xdotool
gem install sbire
sbire install

Windows :

Install ruby with [RubyInstall](
gem install sbire
sbire install


To run a command :

  • Open a terminal
  • Type sbire start
  • Say the command ("Firefox" for example)
  • The command will be executed

To write where your cursor is :

  • Open a terminal
  • Type sbire pipe
  • Say the text ("This project rocks" for example)
  • It will write the text where your cursor is

To write a text file :

  • Open a terminal
  • Type sbire save
  • Say the text ("This project rocks" for example)
  • A file will be created in ~\.sbire\text

To stop sbire, type sbire stop.

If you want to see what is written in the file in real time, run tail -f ~\.sbire\text.


By default, the language is en-us. You can change it by changing the value of lang by your language. For example, to set it to French, write:

lang: fr-FR`

Bind phrase and commands

You can bind more complexe phrases with commands by adding a ~\.sbire\commands.yml file and write for example:

    "chromium-browser": ["open chrome", "chrome"]
    "skype": "open skype"

Pipe the text with a custom command

By default, when you use sbire pipe, it will use a command to emulate the keyboard. You can change it by editing the file ~\.sbire\config.yml and change the value of pipe_command by anything you want.

Add a shortcut

For some obscure reason, Ubuntu does not run ruby commands binded with a keyboard shortcut. You must install xbindkeys to make it work.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request