
Group multiple enum values backed by ActiveRecord::Enum into scopes with ScopedEnum.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scoped_enum'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scoped_enum


In your ActiveRecord model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    scoped_enum :role, { normal: 0, administrator: 1, superuser: 2 }, manager: [:administrator, :superuser]

Besides stuffs created by a normal enum call, it creates three more things:

  1. An ActiveRecord scope with the same name as the enum scope. ruby User.create(name: 'normal', role: :normal) User.create(name: 'administrator', role: :administrator) User.create(name: 'superuser', role: :superuser) User.managers #=> [<User: 'administrator'>, <User: 'superuser'>]
  2. A class method to return all scopes of an enum. ruby User.role_scopes #=> { manager: { administrator: 1, superuser: 2 } }
  3. An instance method to check if a record belongs to the scope. ruby u = :normal) u.manager? #=> false u.role = :superuser u.manager? #=> true